Gavel, M.M., Regan, S.P., Holland, Mark, Wildland, A.D., Wypych, Alicja, Naibert, T.J., and Twelker, Evan, 2023, U-Pb zircon geochronology of bedrock samples collected in the Eagle and Tanacross quadrangles, eastern Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Preliminary Interpretive Report 2023-2, 38 p.
U-Pb zircon geochronology of bedrock samples from Eagle and Tanacross quads | Data File Format | File Size | Info |
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Age Dates; Amphibolite; Amphibolite Facies Units; Analyses; Atwater Creek; Batholith; Bedrock; Billy Creek; Bitters Creek; Buckskin Creek; Bullion Creek; Chicken; Chicken Creek; Chlorite; Clearwater Creek; Conglomerate; Contact; Copper Creek; Cretaceous; Dacite; Dennison Fork; Detrital Zircon; DGGS; Diabase; Dike; Diorite; Dude Creek; Exploration; Feldspar; Felsic; Fish Creek; Fortymile Mining District; Fortymile River; Fortymile River Assemblage; Gabbro; Geochronology; Geologic; Geological Process; Geology; geoscientificInformation; Gneiss; Gold Bar Creek; Gold Creek; Goodpaster Mining District; Granite; Granodiorite; Greenschist; Greenstone; Hornblende; Hutchinson Creek; Igneous; Ingle Creek; Intrusive; Iron; Isotopes; Joseph Creek; Jurassic; Kechumstuk Creek; Kechumstuk Mountain; Ladue River; Lake George; Lake George Assemblage; Liberty Creek; Lilliwig Creek; Logging Cabin Creek; Lost Chicken Creek; Lost Chicken Hill; Mansfield Creek; Marble; Metamorphic; Metamorphic Deposit; Metamorphic Minerals; Metamorphic Rocks; Metamorphism; Methods; Mica; Mineral Composition; Mineral Deposit; Mineral Localities; Mineral Resources; Mineralogy; Minerals; Monzonite; Moose Creek; Mosquito Creek; Mosquito Fork; Mosquito Fork of the Fortymile River; Mount Neuberger; Mount Warbelow; Muscovite; Old Man Creek; Orthogneiss; Paleogene; Petrographic; Petrography; Plagioclase; Plutonic; Plutonic Rocks; Plutons; Porcupine Creek; Porphyry; Porphyry Creek; Quartzite; Regional; Replacement; Resources; Rhyolite; Robertson River; Rocks; Sand Creek; Sandstone; Schist; Scottie Creek; Sedimentary; Sericite; Sheep Creek; Sixtymile Butte; Square Lake; Stibnite Creek; Stonehouse Creek; Syenite; T Lake; Tanana River; Taylor Creek; Taylor Mountain; Tectonics; Terranes; Texas Creek; Tok; Tok Mining District; Tom Paine Creek; Triassic; Tushtena Pass; U-Pb; Voss Creek; Wall Street Creek; Willow Creek; Wilson Creek; Yellow Water Creek; Yukon-Tanana Terrane; Yukon-Tanana Upland; Zircon