Truskowski, C.M., Walser, S.L., Larsen, M.C., Nicolazzo, J.A., Gillis, R.J., Bull, K.F., Regan, S.P., Darrow, M.M., and Montayne, Simone, 2024, Field station locations and data for the geologic map of the Haines-Takshanuk Mountains-Chilkat Peninsula area STATEMAP project, southeast Alaska, collected in 2022 and 2023: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2024-17, 3 p.
Field station locations and data for the Haines area STATEMAP project | Data File Format | File Size | Info |
Download rdf2024_017_haines_station_location_data | ASCII tabular files | 47.7 K | Metadata - Read me |
Actinolite; Alaska; Alluvial; Amphibolite; Aplite; Argillite; Basalt; Battery Point; Bedrock; Bedrock Geology; Breccia; Chert; Chilkat River; Chilkoot River; Chlorite; Conglomerate; Cretaceous; Dalasuga Island; Deshu Isthmus; Devils Punch Bowl; DGGS; Diabase; Diopside; Diorite; Dok Point; Epidote; False Battery Point; Feldspar; Felsic; Ferebee River; Ferebee Valley; Fossils; Garnet; Geology; geoscientificInformation; Gneiss; Gravina-Nutzotin Belt; Halutu Ridge; Haska Creek; Iron Mountain; Johnson Creek; Jualin Mine; Juneau Mining District; Kalhagu Cove; Kasidaya Creek; Kelgaya Bay; Kelgaya Point; Kicking Horse River; Kootznahoo Formation; Lehunua Point; Letnikof Cove; Lily Lake; Low Point; Ludaseska Creek; Mesozoic; Metamorphic Minerals; Metamorphic Rocks; Metamorphism; Metasedimentary Rocks; Metavolcanic rocks; Mink Creek; Monzogranite; Monzonite; Mount Harding; Mount Villard; Mud Bay; Nukdik Point; Outcrop Samples; Paleozoic; Paradise Cove; Plutonic Rocks; Quaternary; Regional Metamorphism; Rustabach Lake; Sample Location; Seduction Point; Shakuseyi Creek; Sherman Creek; Silurian; STATEMAP Project; Surface; Surficial; Surficial Geology; Takhin River; Takshanuk Mountains; Tanani Point; Tanani Village; Tertiary; Triassic; Tukgahgo Mountain; Ultramafic; Unconsolidated Deposits; Vanderbilt Point; Yindastuki; Zimovia Point