DGGS IR 85-4
Summary report of mining investigations in the Kenai Precinct
Roehm, J.C.
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Alaska Territorial Department of Mines
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Anchorage; Seldovia; Seward
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Bibliographic Reference
Roehm, J.C., 1941, Summary report of mining investigations in the Kenai Precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Itinerary Report 85-4, 8 p., 5 sheets. https://doi.org/10.14509/517
Publication Products
Report Information
Maps & Other Oversized Sheets
- Plate 1, Sketch showing geology and workings of the Gold Mint Mining Co., Hope mining district, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, scale 1 inch = 80 feet (3.2 M)
- Plate 2, Plan of underground workings with assay results, Gold Mint Prospect (I. Near house Property)., Hope mining district, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, scale 1 inch = 20 feet (2.7 M)
- Plate 3, Sketch showing position of Lode Claims. J.W. Downing Prospect, Hope District, Kenai Precinct, Alaska, scale 1 inch = 16 feet (1.9 M)
- Plate 4, Sketch showing outcrops end workings of the Greek Prospect, Falls Creek Mining Co., Moose Pass-Hope District., Kenai Precinct, Alaska, scale 1 inch = 20 feet (2.9 M)
- Plate 5, Sketch of underground workings of the Greek Prospect, Falls Creek Mining Co., Moose Pass-Hope District., Kenai Precinct, Alaska, scale 1 inch = 20 feet (1.7 M)
Arsenic; Copper; Cultural Resources; Drift Mine; Gold; Kenai Group; Lead; Lode; Manganese; Mining; Placer; Silver; Vein Deposit
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