DGGS MR 195-1
Placer gold fineness
Glover, A.E.
Publication Date:
Alaska Territorial Department of Mines
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Alaska General; Ambler River; Anchorage; Bethel; Bettles; Big Delta; Chandalar; Charley River; Circle; Eagle; Fairbanks; Goodnews Bay; Healy; Iditarod; Kantishna River; Livengood; McCarthy; Medfra; Mount Hayes; Nabesna; Nome; Norton Bay; Nulato; Ophir; Ruby; Russian Mission; Shungnak; Skagway; Sleetmute; Survey Pass; Tanacross; Tanana; Teller; Wiseman
Citation ID:
Bibliographic Reference
Glover, A.E., 1950, Placer gold fineness: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Miscellaneous Report 195-1, 90 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/990
Publication Products
Report Information
Geochemistry; Gold; Metallurgy; Placer
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