Below is a list of publications related to Magnetic Susceptibility. Select a publication number to access more detailed information and their respective files available for download.
- RDF 2024-2
- Buchanan, J.W., Wypych, Alicja, Barrera, M.L., Biegel, J.M., Gavel, M.M., Harvey, D.A., Ketcham, R.A., Muller, I.P., Naibert, T.J., Newberry, R.J., Regan, S.P., Szumigala, D.J., Twelker, Evan, and Wildland, A.D., 2025, Geochemical data from samples collected in 2023 for the Chena and Mount Harper projects, Big Delta, Circle, Fairbanks, and Eagle quadrangles, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2024-2, 5 p.
- GPR 2024-1
- Emond, A.M., Fusso, L.A., and Geotech Ltd., 2024, Kuskokwim airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Sischu Mountains: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geophysical Report 2024-1, 4 p.
- RDF 2023-27
- Gavel, M.M., Twelker, Evan, Wypych, Alicja, Naibert, T.J., Newberry, R.J., Szumigala, D.J., Wildland, A.D., Barrera, M.L., Biegel, J.N., Harvey, D.A., Ketcham, R.A., Muller, I.P., and Regan, S.P., 2023, Field station locations and magnetic susceptibility data for the Chena-Pogo and Mount Harper projects, Big Delta and Circle quadrangles, Alaska, collected June-September 2023: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2023-27, 3 p.
- GPR 2023-1
- Emond, A.M., and MPX Geophysics LTD, 2023, Kuskokwim airborne magnetic and radiometric geophysical survey, northern Kuskokwim Mountains: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geophysical Report 2023-1, 4 p.
- RDF 2023-6
- Gavel, M.M., Twelker, Evan, Wypych, Alicja, Naibert, T.J., Newberry, R.J., Szumigala, D.J., Wildland, A.D., Barrera, M.L., Blackwell, N.J., Fessenden, S.N., Harvey, D.A., and Muller, I.P., 2023, Field station locations and magnetic susceptibility data collected in 2022 for the Mount Harper project, Eagle, Big Delta, and Mount Hayes quadrangles, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2023-6, 3 p.
- RI 2020-3
- Sicard, K.R., Wypych, Alicja, Twelker, Evan, Naibert, T.J., Freeman, L.K., Newberry, R.J., Bachmann, E.N., Reioux, D.A., Tuzzolino, A.L., and Wright, T.C., 2022, Geologic map of the Styx River area, Lime Hills C-1 Quadrangle, Western Alaska Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2020-3, 51 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360.
- RDF 2022-3
- Gavel, M.M., Wypych, Alicja, Naibert, T.J., Avirett, D.F., Barrera, M.L., Hubbard, A.K., Newberry, R.J., Regan, S.P., Twelker, Evan, Wildland, A.D., and Wyatt, W.C., 2022, Field station locations and magnetic susceptibility data collected in 2020 and 2021 for the Western Tanacross project, Tanacross and Eagle quadrangles, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2022-3, 2 p.
- RDF 2022-2
- Gavel, M.M., Wypych, Alicja, Naibert, T.J., Avirett, D.F., Barrera, M.L., Hubbard, A.K., Newberry, R.J., Regan, S.P., Twelker, Evan, Wildland, A.D., and Wyatt, W.C., 2022, Field station locations and magnetic susceptibility data collected in 2021 for the Taylor Mountain project, Tanacross and Eagle quadrangles, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2022-2, 2 p.
- RDF 2019-9
- Naibert, T.J., Twelker, Evan, Wypych, Alicja, Athey, J.E., Newberry, R.J., Lopez, J.A., Regan, S.P., Sicard, K.R., Wildland, A.D., and Wyatt, W.C., 2020, Field station locations and magnetic susceptibility data collected in 2019 for the Eastern Tanacross Project, Tanacross and Nabesna quadrangles, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2019-9, 2 p.
- RDF 2018-6
- Twelker, Evan, Wypych, Alicja, Sicard, K.R., Naibert, T.J., Montayne, Simone, Newberry, R.J., and Wyatt, W.C., 2018, Major-oxide and trace-element geochemical data from rocks collected in the Richardson mining district, Big Delta Quadrangle, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2018-6, 4 p.
- RDF 2018-4
- Wypych, Alicja, Naibert, T.J., Athey, J.E., Newberry, R.J., Sicard, K.R., Twelker, Evan, Werdon, M.B., Willingham, A.L., and Wyatt, W.C., 2018, Major-oxide and trace-element geochemical data from rocks collected in 2018 for the Northeast Tanacross project, Tanacross C-1, C-2, D-1, and D-2 quadrangles, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2018-4, 4 p.
- RDF 2017-11
- Twelker, Evan, Wypych, Alicja, Sicard, K.R., Naibert, T.J., Werdon, M.B., Athey, J.E., Willingham, A.L., and Lockett, A.C., 2017, Major-oxide and trace-element geochemical data from rocks collected in the Richardson mining district, Big Delta Quadrangle, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2017-11, 4 p.
- RDF 2017-10
- Wypych, Alicja, Twelker, Evan, Athey, J.E., Lockett, A.C., Naibert, T.J., Sicard, K.R., Werdon, M.B., and Willingham, A.L., 2017, Major-oxide and trace-element geochemical data from rocks collected in the Tanacross C-1, D-1, and D-2 quadrangles, Alaska in 2017: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2017-10, 4 p.
- RDF 2016-9
- Wypych, Alicja, Sicard, K.R., Gillis, R.J., Lande, L.L., Naibert, T.J., Newberry, R.J., Twelker, Evan, Werdon, M.B., and Willingham, A.L., 2016, Major-oxide and trace-element geochemical data from rocks collected in the Tok River area, Tanacross A-5 and A-6 quadrangles, Alaska in 2016: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2016-9, 3 p.
- RDF 2015-15 v. 1.1
- Wypych, Alicja, Sicard, K.R., Twelker, Evan, Freeman, L.K., Lande, Lauren, and Reioux, D.A., 2015, Major-oxide and trace-element geochemical data from rocks collected in 2015 in the Tok area, Tanacross A-5, A-6, and parts of adjacent quadrangles, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2015-15 v. 1.1, 3 p.
- RDF 2015-16
- Wypych, Alicja, Twelker, Evan, Freeman, L.K., Lande, Lauren, Newberry, R.J., Reioux, D.A., and Sicard, K.R., 2015, Major-oxide and trace-element geochemical data from rocks collected in 2015 in the Wrangellia mineral assessment area, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2015-16, 4 p.
- RDF 2014-22
- Wypych, Alicja, Twelker, Evan, Freeman, L.K., Lande, Lauren, Newberry, R.J., Reioux, D.A., and Sicard, K.R., 2014, Major-oxide and trace-element geochemical data from rocks collected in 2014 in the Wrangellia mineral assessment area, Talkeetna Mountains C-4, C-3, and B-4 quadrangles, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2014-22, 4 p.
- GMC 422
- Dixit, N., and Tomsich, C.S., 2014, Apatite fission track, magnetic susceptibility, and vitrinite reflectance analyses on cuttings from the Nunivak #1 and Nenana #1 wells: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 422, 1 p.
- OF 2003-268
- Sanger, E.A., and Glen, J.M.G., 2003, Density and magnetic susceptibility values for rocks in the Talkeetna Mountains and adjacent region, south-central Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2003-268, 42 p.
- OF 92-724
- Drinkwater, J.L., Ford, A.B., and Brew, D.A., 1992, Magnetic susceptibility measurements and sample locations of granitic rocks from along a transect of the Coast Mountains near Juneau, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-724, 22 p.
- PDF 87-1B
- Vandergon, M.A., 1986, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeastern Alaska. Volume magnetic susceptibility data from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 87-1B, 5 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
- GMC 35
- Van Alen, William, and Wescott, Eugene, 1983, Magnetic susceptibility analysis of five samples from the AMOCO Ahtna #A-1 well: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Materials Center Data Report 35, 1 p.