Alaska Railbelt carbon capture and storage (ARCCS)
Project Details
Project ID:
Carbon Capture
Parent Project:
Energy Resources Section projects
This 2-year project proposes to determine the feasibility of developing a commercial-scale CO2 geologic storage complex able to store 50+ million metric tons (Mt) of CO2 in southcentral Alaska safely, permanently, and economically and fulfill the goals of the U.S. DOE's CarbonSAFE Program. In cooperation with UAF, DGGS's role in this project will be conducting new geological studies in three areas where key Cook Inlet reservoir intervals are exposed in outcrop: Beluga River area, western Susitna Basin, and Kachemak Bay. Work will include measured stratigraphic sections, supplemented with structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry to analyze 2-D stratigraphic architecture and lateral reservoir heterogeneity. A suite of samples will be collected and analyzed to better understand sandstone provenance, petrology, and reservoir quality; mudstone facies will be systematically collected for mercury injection capillary pressure analyses to evaluate seal character. This effort will be integrate
Project Date(s):
2024 - present
Primary Contact:
Wartes, Marwan A.
DGGS section:
Energy Resources
Project Participants:
Marwan A. Wartes, Robert J. Gillis, Trystan M. Herriott, Nina T. Harun
There are no primary publications for the Alaska Railbelt carbon capture and storage (ARCCS) project at this time.