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DGGS Publications Series

The links below lead to the bibliographic citations for each publication series that DGGS has available. We have divided the list into active and retired publication series. These citations are linked to the individual files for each publication.

Active series

AR - Annual Report
This series includes reports from 1912 through 1958 published by the Territorial Department of Mines, and from 1959 through 1982 published by DGGS's predecessor agencies. These reports describe annual mining activity in Alaska and summarize statistics on exploration and production of Alaska minerals. The later reports also highlight the activities of DGGS and its legislatively mandated responsibilities. After 1982, the minerals summaries were published in the Special Report series. Beginning in 2000, the Annual Report series was reactivated to produce reports highlighting the division's history, activities, accomplishments, projects, and publications produced during the year.
DDS - Digital Data Series
Regularly updated compilations of analytical data, geologic map features, geologic information, photos, geophysical survey areas, etc.
GB - Guidebook
This series includes "field trip" guides that contain general and technical information to help visitors understand the geologic conditions they observe along some of the major transportation corridors of Alaska.
GMC - Geologic Materials Center Data Report
The GMC data archive provides analytical and interpretive data resulting from testing by third parties on material borrowed from samples housed at the Alaska Geologic Materials Center. These files are produced by the third-party agency or company that conducted the sampling and analysis. The results and interpretations have not undergone technical review and should not be cited as reviewed data or as an authoritative information source. DGGS may not have access to and thus cannot provide the digital forms of all of this data. To find a data report by oil and gas well or minerals prospect, download the GMC data report index.
GPR - Geophysical Report
A Geophysical Report presents airborne geophysical survey data, maps, and data aquisition reports. Modern reports in the GPR series are complications of data, printable maps, and contractors' documentation. They may also include depictions of limited interpretive modeling.
IC - Information Circular
Information Circulars include a variety of publications (brochures, pamphlets, maps) that are designed to provide specific information in a brief, user-friendly form.
MP - Miscellaneous Publication
This series consists of reports difficult to classify in any other category, including layered reports consisting of previously published, reviewed, and edited data such as geological and geophysical maps, technical letters, or summary reports of meetings, symposia, and the like. These reports may or may not have been reviewed for technical merit.
PIR - Preliminary Interpretive Report
This category is intended for the timely release of maps and reports with preliminary interpretation of geology or analytical data. It includes reports by DGGS staff, scientists from other organizations, and contractor reports containing technical interpretations of analytical data. Maps and reports have been reviewed by one or two people for technical content.
PO - Poster and Presentation
Maps, figures, text, web services, and web apps published in this series have not necessarily undergone technical peer review and should not be used or cited as reviewed data. Future reviewed publications incorporating these data may or may not change the interpretations presented.
PR - Professional Report
Professional Reports communicate new data and original ideas to other earth scientists. Two characteristics separate the PRs from other series: A PR is the completed product of original research and analysis, and PRs use professional cartography and undergo rigorous peer review, editing, and revision to ensure accuracy.
RDF - Raw Data File
Reports in this series present raw field data and analytical results with limited or no interpretation by DGGS staff or project collaborators. Analytical results may include interpretations by laboratories when an interpretive review of the analytical findings is necessary to develop usable output. The reports and accompanying data have been evaluated by project staff for general readability and logical consistency but have not undergone technical peer review.
RI - Report of Investigation
A Report of Investigation presents new geologic observations, data, and interpretations. Studies published in this series are typically the final outcome of original research and usually include an exhaustive analysis that is unlikely to be superseded by ongoing work of the authors. An RI undergoes peer-review by two or more subject-matter experts; at least one reviewer will not be affiliated with DGGS. Extensive copyediting and formatting are completed after peer review. Interpretations presented in an RI may be augmented with auxiliary files and/or related publications with distinct DOIs.
SR - Special Report
Reports in this series summarize or compile existing information on matters of current relevance related to earth science in Alaska. These publications are written for the general public, are given both internal and external review, and are edited thoroughly. This series includes the annual report on Alaska's mineral industry.
TM - Techniques and Methods
This series consists of content that describes approved techniques and methods related to the collection, storage, visualization, analysis, or interpretation of scientific data. May include items such as data standards, data collection guidelines, data creation guidelines, manuals, process documentation, analytical models, or software documentation. These reports may or may not have been reviewed for technical merit.

Retired series

ADR - Administrative Report
This series includes proposals for hydrologic studies.
AMS - Fixed-wing Aeromagnetic Survey
This series is composed of fixed-wing aeromagnetic survey maps flown and compiled from 1970 through 1975.
AOF - Alaska Open-File Report
This series was discontinued in 1982 and superseded by the Report of Investigation Series. It contains reports of research by DGGS personnel. Its objective was to make information available to the public as soon as possible, and therefore reports of this series were not subjected to rigorous critical review and formal editing and did not use professional cartographic services.
CH - Geochemical Report
Reports of this series show sample localities and chemical analyses of stream sediment and rock samples. The series was discontinued in 1973, and information of this type is currently included in the Professional Report and Report of Investigation series.
GR - Geologic Report
The name of this series changed in 1984 to the Professional Report series. See the Professional Report series description above.
IR - Itinerary Report
This series includes reports produced by the Territorial Department of Mines before Alaska statehood.
LN - Laboratory Notes
Laboratory Notes and Reports were published from 1968 to 1973 as technical summaries of methods and procedures used for chemical analyses in the DGGS assay laboratory. The reports provide information about the reliability and limitations of the results of chemical analyses.
LR - Laboratory Report
Laboratory Notes and Reports were published from 1968 to 1973 as technical summaries of methods and procedures used for chemical analyses in the DGGS assay laboratory. The reports provide information about the reliability and limitations of the results of chemical analyses.
MI - Mineral Investigation
This series includes mineral reports produced by the Territorial Department of Mines before Alaska statehood.
MR - Miscellaneous Report
This series includes reports and notes produced by the Territorial Department of Mines before Alaska statehood.
NL - Newsletter
This series includes all issues of Alaska GeoSurvey News released by DGGS. The newsletter, which was reestablished in 1997 after a lengthy hiatus, was designed as a less formal avenue to present progress reports, highlight DGGS projects, and provide timely summaries of geologic information. Each issue includes a listing of reports and maps that have been published since the previous issue.
PDF - Public Data File
The objective of this series, published from 1983 through 1999, was to make project and field data available to the public as soon as possible. PDFs were not reviewed or edited. This series has been replaced by the RDF series.
PE - Prospect Evaluation
This series includes reports produced by the Territorial Department of Mines before Alaska statehood.
PN - Pamphlet
This series includes pamphlet reports produced by the Territorial Department of Mines before Alaska statehood.
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