This series includes reports produced by the Territorial Department of Mines before Alaska statehood.
- PE 135-2
- Anderson, R.E., 1969, Sitkinak Island coal, Trinity Islands C-1 quadrangle: Alaska Division of Mines and Geology Prospect Evaluation 135-2, 7 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360.
- PE 135-1
- Jasper, M.W., and Robinson, W.D., 1959, Preliminary investigation of coal occurrences on Sitkinak Island, Trinity Islands Quadrangle, Lodiak [sic] precinct, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 135-1, 6 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360.
- PE 131-7
- Jasper, M.W., 1955, Kodiak Exploratio Company, scheelite prospect, Anton Larson Day area, Kodiak Quadrangle, Kodiak precinct, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 131-7, 7 p., 2 sheets.
- PE 131-6
- Saunders, R.H., 1952, Report on the preliminary examination of the Peninsula Exploration Co. copper claims on Sitkalidak Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 131-6, 7 p.
- PE 131-5
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Brown Bear Group, Kodiak mining district, Kodiak Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 131-5, 4 p., 3 sheets, scale 1:20.
- PE 131-4
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Sonny Jim Group, Kodiak mining district, Kodiak Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 131-4, 3 p.
- PE 131-3
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Rambler Group, Kodiak mining district, Kodiak Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 131-3, 3 p.
- PE 131-2
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Ouzinkie Group, Kodiak mining district, Kodiak Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 131-2, 5 p.
- PE 131-1
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Kizhuyak Group, Kodiak Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 131-1, 3 p.
- PE 122-1
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Supplementary report to preliminary report of N. & T. group of claims, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 122-1, 2 p., 2 sheets.
- PE 121-7
- Williams, J.A., 1955, Carol Anne property, Dixon Entrance Quadrangle, radioactives: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 121-7, 5 p.
- PE 121-6
- Williams, J.A., 1955, Lazo property, Dixon EntranceQuadrangle, radioactives: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 121-6, 3 p.
- PE 121-5
- Williams, J.A., 1955, I & L property, Dixon Entrance Quadrangle, radioactives: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 121-5, 5 p.
- PE 121-4
- Glover, A.E., 1954, Investigation of H. F. Foster prospect, Coning Inlet, Long Island (Ketchikan recording district): Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 121-4, 4 p.
- PE 121-3
- Roehm, J.C., 1942, Description of Coning Inlet Prospect, Long Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 121-3, 2 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 20 feet.
- PE 121-2
- Wilcox, H.G., 1937, McEwan property at Hunter Bay: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 121-2, 3 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:20,571.
- PE 121-1
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report, Apex Group, McLean Arm, Prince of Wales Island: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 121-1, 1 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 120-16
- Vance, Theodore, 1968, Report of the Surprise Group, Lon deVan claims: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 120-16, 3 p.
- PE 120-15
- Mihelich, Miro, 1960, Electromagnetic survey, J & J claims, Ketchikan Quadrangle: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 120-15, 6 p., 2 sheets.
- PE 120-14
- Williams, J.A., 1956, Black Jack no. 7 claim, Ketchikan Quadrangle, radioactives: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 120-14, 4 p.
- PE 120-13
- Rowe, R.C., 1953, Stibnite deposits at Caamano Point: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 120-13, 15 p.
- PE 120-12
- Williams, J.A., 1952, Examination of the Novatney gold lode prospect, Helm Bay, Ketchikan precinct, September 20, 1952: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 120-12, 9 p.
- PE 120-11
- Williams, J.A., 1953, Limited examination and radiometric reconnaissance of the Mountain View Property, Hyder District, September 16, 1952: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 120-11, 8 p.
- PE 120-10
- Roehm, J.C., 1946, Holden clay deposit - Vallenar Bay: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 120-10, 2 p., 1 sheet.
- PE 120-9
- Roehm, J.C., 1942, Excerpt from, Summary report of mining investigations in the Ketchikan, Wrangell, Petersburg, and Juneau precincts: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 120-9, 3 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 120-8
- Roehm, J.C., 1939, Preliminary report of Mol group of claims (molybdenum prospect), Behm Canal, Ketchikan mining district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 120-8, 3 p.
- PE 120-7
- Roehm, J.C., 1939, Preliminary report on an antimony prospect at Point Caamano, Cleveland Peninsula, Ketchikan district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 120-7, 3 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 120-6
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Gold Standard Group, Helm Bay, Cleveland Peninsula, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 120-6, 3 p., 2 sheets.
- PE 120-5
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Free Gold Group, Helm Bay, Cleveland Peninsula: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 120-5, 4 p., 4 sheets.
- PE 120-4
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Gold Banner group, Thorne Arm, Ketchikan mining district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 120-4, 3 p.
- PE 120-3
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of operations and holdings, Evis Mining Corporation, Thorne Arm, Ketchikan mining district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 120-3, 5 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 200 feet.
- PE 120-2
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Judy claim, Ketchikan mining district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 120-2, 2 p.
- PE 120-1
- Holzheimer, F.W., 1924, Preliminary report on Smugglers Cove prospects, Cleveland Peninsula, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 120-1, 16 p.
- PE 119-23
- Holdsworth, P.R., 1954, Investigation of claim staking: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-23.
- PE 119-22
- Fowler, H.M., 1949, Report on the polymetal lode, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-22, 9 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 119-21
- Fowler, H.M., 1948, Report of the Lime Point barite occurrence, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-21, 4 p.
- PE 119-20
- Stewart, B.D., 1944, Description of the Flagstaff mining property, Karta Bay, Prince of Vales [sic] Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-20, 30 p., 2 sheets.
- PE 119-19
- Roehm, J.C., 1941, Preliminary report of Iron Cap or Mahoney prospect, Tolstoi Bay, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-19, 2 p.
- PE 119-18
- Roehm, J.C., 1939, Preliminary report of Jack Wilcox Gold Prospect, Nutkwa Property, Nutkwa Bay, Prince of Wales Island: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-18, 4 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 119-17
- Roehm, J.C., 1939, Preliminary report of Cascade Prospect, Prince of Wales Island, Ketchikan District, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-17, 3 p.
- PE 119-16
- Roehm, J.C., 1939, Preliminary report of Lucky Boy group of claims, Dora Bay, Cholmondeley Sound, Prince of Wales Island: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-16, 4 p., 5 sheets.
- PE 119-15
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Lucky Nell group of claims (Gervais property), Twelve mile arm, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-15, 5 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 80 feet.
- PE 119-14
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Mucker's Dream Group, Windfall Bay, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-14, 3 p.
- PE 119-13
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Portland Group (Bertlibe Property), Helm Bay, Cleveland Peninsula, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-13, 2 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 119-12
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Venus Group, Karta Bay, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-12, 2 p.
- PE 119-12A
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Beat Lode, Sleeping Beauty Mining Co. (Stensland Property), Helm Bay, Cleveland Peninsula, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-12A, 2 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 119-11
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Shepard group of claims, Kasaan Peninsula, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-11, 2 p.
- PE 119-10
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Copper Came group, Karta Bay, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-10, 2 p.
- PE 119-9
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Copper Center prospect, Kasaan Peninsula, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-9, 2 p.
- PE 119-8
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Lone Jack Prospect, Karta Bay, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-8, 2 p.
- PE 119-7
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of the Cracker Jack Group, Twelve Mile Arm, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-7, 7 p., 4 sheets.
- PE 119-6
- Wilcox, H.G., 1938, Flagstaff group: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-6, 2 p.
- PE 119-5
- Wilcox, H.G., 1938, Kassan gold: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-5, 2 p.
- PE 119-4
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report, Hope mine, Twelve Mile Arm, Prince of Wales Island: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-4, 2 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 119-3
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of holdings of San Antonio Metals Company, Port San Antonio, Baker Island: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-3, 5 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 3,333.33 feet.
- PE 119-2
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of the Harris Creek Mine, Twelve Mile Arm, Ketchikan mining district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-2, 3 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 80 feet.
- PE 119-1
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report on Peterson-Wixon-Arwick group, Bear Lake, Cleveland Peninsula: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 119-1, 3 p.
- PE 118-3
- Race, W.H., 1963, Property examination report, J. W. Huff Prospect, lower east side of Nelson Glacier, Bradfield Canal (B6) quadrangle: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 118-3, 11 p.
- PE 118-2
- Williams, J.A., 1957, Copper King Prospect, Bradfield Canal Quadrangle, copper: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 118-2, 5 p.
- PE 118-1
- Fowler, H.M., 1931, Report on the Riverside Tungsten Mine near Hyder, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 118-1, 9 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 20 feet.
- PE 117-9
- Race, W.H., 1963, Castle Island barite deposit, Duncan Canal, Alaska, Petersburg quadrangle: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 117-9, 13 p.
- PE 117-8
- Burand, W.M., 1961, Lillie's molybdenum prospect, Koscuisko Island, Alaska: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 117-8, 4 p., 2 sheets.
- PE 117-7
- Denny, R.L., 1961, Summary report of trip to Koscuisko Island: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 117-7, 3 p.
- PE 117-6
- Williams, J.A., 1954, Property examination report on Maid of Mexico property Petersburg district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 117-6, 3 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 15 feet.
- PE 117-5
- Fowler, H.M., 1948, Memorandum report to B.D. Stewart, Commissioner of Mines, on Taylor Creek lead-zinc prospect, Duncan Canal, Kupreanof Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 117-5, 1 p.
- PE 117-4
- Roehm, J.C., 1946, Preliminary report on Taylor Creek lead-zinc property of Ora pp. Schoonover: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 117-4, 2 p.
- PE 117-3
- Shepard, J.G., 1925, The Ground Hog Basin claims, Wrangell precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 117-3, 3 p., 1 sheet.
- PE 117-2
- Shepard, J.G., 1925, The Lake Virginia Mining Co., Wrangell precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 117-2, 1 p.
- PE 117-1
- Shepard, J.G., 1925, Garnet Mine, Wrangell Precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 117-1, 1 p.
- PE 116-5
- Williams, J.A., 1951, Examination of Keku group property, Kuiu Island, Petersburg: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 116-5, 5 p.
- PE 116-4
- Roehm, J.C., 1937, Preliminary report of zinc-lead showing, Keku group of claims, Kuiu Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 116-4, 4 p., 4 sheets.
- PE 116-3
- Roehm, J.C., 1940, Preliminary report of the Lucky Chance mine, Baranof Island, Sitka Precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 116-3, 5 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 116-2
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Green Lake group of claims, Silver Bay, Sitka Precinct, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 116-2, 2 p., 1 sheet.
- PE 116-1
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Children Group, Hungerford Creek, Kuiu Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 116-1, 2 p.
- PE 115-7
- Williams, J.A., 1955, BBH Property, Sumdum Quadrangle, radioactives: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 115-7, 3 p.
- PE 115-6
- Williams, J.A., 1955, Heiner gold prospect, Windham Bay: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 115-6, 2 p.
- PE 115-5
- Williams, J.A., 1953, Memorandum report to Leo H. Saarela, Commissioner of Mines, on the Snettisham iron deposit, Snettisham, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 115-5, 3 p.
- PE 115-4
- Williams, J.A., 1952, Examination of the S. A. Wilson gold-zinc prospect, Steamboat Bay, Juneau precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 115-4, 3 p.
- PE 115-3
- Williams, J.A., 1952, Memorandum report on a magnetic survey in the vicinity of Snettisham, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 115-3, 10 p.
- PE 115-2
- Williams, J.A., 1951, Examination of K & D Lode, Sunset Cove, Juneau precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 115-2, 4 p.
- PE 115-1
- Roehm, J.C., 1942, Neglected Prize property, Tracy Arm, Juneau mining precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 115-1, 2 p., 3 sheets.
- PE 114-14
- Herreid, G.H., 1962, Camel gypsum property and Pacific gypsum property, Sitka quadrangle: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 114-14, 4 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 400 feet.
- PE 114-13
- Williams, J.A., 1955, Ariel property, Sitka Quadrangle, gold and tungsten: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 114-13, 7 p.
- PE 114-12
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Krestof group of claims, Krestof Island, Sitka precinct, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 114-12, 4 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 114-11
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Little Blonde and High Grade groups, Kruzof Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 114-11, 2 p.
- PE 114-10
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of holdings of the Baranof Mining Company, Halleck Island, Sitka precinct, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 114-10, 2 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 20 feet.
- PE 114-9
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Report of Bohemia Tunnel, Bohemia Basin, Yakobi Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 114-9, 2 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 10 feet.
- PE 114-8
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Miller-Hall prospect, Hood Bay, Admiralty Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 114-8, 2 p.
- PE 114-7
- Roehm, J.C., 1937, Preliminary report Slocum-Grunter (Cox-Bolyan) prospect, Slocum Arm, Chichagof Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 114-7, 3 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 50 feet.
- PE 114-6
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Alaska Gold Digger Group No. 2, Klag Bay, west coast Chichagof Island: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 114-6, 2 p., 2 sheets.
- PE 114-5
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Mike Wall prospect, Lake Ann, west coast Chichagof Island, Sitka mining district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 114-5, 1 p.
- PE 114-4
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report, Chichagof Creek Group, Klag Bay, Chichagof Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 114-4, 4 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 300 feet.
- PE 114-3
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of holdings of new Chichagof Mining Syndicate, Pinta Bay, Chichagof Island: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 114-3, 3 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 114-2
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Goldwin group, Lisianski Inlet, Chichagof Island, Sitka mining district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 114-2, 2 p.
- PE 114-1
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Lucky Strike prospect, Lisianski Inlet, Chichagof Island, Sitka mining district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 114-1, 2 p.
- PE 113-2
- Williams, J.A., 1951, Limited examination of Enterprise mine, Limestone Inlet, Juneau precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 113-2, 2 p.
- PE 113-1
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report on the Enterprise property, Limestone Inlet; Juneau mining district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 113-1, 6 p.
- PE 112-19
- Williams, J.A., 1956, Johnny Boy and White groups, Juneau Quadrangle, copper: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 112-19, 4 p.
- PE 112-18
- Williams, J.A., 1951, Examination of Silverton No. 1 Lode, Howard Bay, Juneau precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 112-18, 3 p.
- PE 112-17
- Roehm, J.C., 1940, Preliminary report of McGinnis Creek mining group of claims, McGinnis Creek, Juneau precinct Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 112-17, 2 p.
- PE 112-16
- Roehm, J.C., 1939, Preliminary report of the Lucy Tunnel, Lucy Claim, Nowell Property, Douglas Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 112-16, 2 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 112-15
- Roehm, J.C., 1939, Report on Jualin mine: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 112-15, 18 p., 5 sheets.
- PE 112-14
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Rusty Lode group of claims, Berners Bay region, Juneau gold belt, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 112-14, 3 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 50 feet.
- PE 112-13
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Yankee group of claims, Berners Bay region, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 112-13, 3 p., 4 sheets.
- PE 112-12
- Roehm, J.C., 1937, Preliminary report of Alaska Rand Group, Hawk Inlet, Admiralty Island, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 112-12, 2 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 20 feet.
- PE 112-11
- Roehm, J.C., 1937, Preliminary report of Bonanza Group, Sawmill Creek, Berners Bay District, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 112-11, 3 p.
- PE 112-10
- Roehm, J.C., 1937, Preliminary report of California Gold Standard (Winter and Pond) claim group, Echo Cove, Berners Bay, Juneau gold belt, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 112-10, 6 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 112-9
- Roehm, J.C., 1937, Preliminary report of Auke group, Auke Bay, Juneau gold belt, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 112-9, 4 p., 2 sheets.
- PE 112-9A
- Roehm, J.C., 1937, Preliminary report of Ahby-Torro property, Windfall basin, Juneau gold belt, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 112-9A, 5 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 112-8
- Roehm, J.C., 1937, Preliminary report of the Josie and Karen claims, Douglas Island: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 112-8, 2 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 112-7
- Roehm, J.C., 1937, Preliminary report of Peterson property, Peterson Creek, Juneau gold belt, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 112-7, 6 p., 3 sheets.
- PE 112-6
- Roehm, J.C., 1937, Preliminary report of Gold King Group, Auke Bay, Juneau gold belt, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 112-6, 4 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 112-5
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Yankee Cove Gold Mining Company, Wanderer Group: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 112-5, 30 p.
- PE 112-4
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Herbert group, Juneau mining district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 112-4, 4 p., 2 sheets.
- PE 112-3
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of showings on Skookum Chief claim, Douglas Island, Juneau mining district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 112-3, 2 p.
- PE 112-2
- Roehm, J.C., and Humphrey, H.B., 1936, The flume tunnel, Eagle River mine, Eagle River region: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 112-2, 3 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 100 feet.
- PE 112-1
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Husky Group, Canyon Creek, Eagle River district, Juneau gold belt: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 112-1, 4 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 50 feet.
- PE 112-0
- Shepard, J.G., 1926, The McKecknie Prospect, Howard Bay: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 112-0, 9 p.
- PE 111-5
- Holdsworth, P.R., 1955, Mount Parker mine - Mt. Fairweather quadrangle: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 111-5, 7 p.
- PE 111-4
- Fowler, H.M., 1950, Memorandum report to Leo H. Saarela, Commissioner of Mines, on the Leroy mine, Glacier Bay, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 111-4, 2 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 20 feet.
- PE 111-3
- Stewart, B.D., 1949, Memorandum on Red Top Property, Dundas Bay, Juneau Precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 111-3, 2 p.
- PE 111-2
- Roehm, J.C., 1942, Summary and itinerary report of investigations in the Glacier Bay area: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 111-2, 5 p.
- PE 111-1
- Shepard, J.G., 1926, Smith Prospect, Willoughby Island, Juneau Precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 111-1, 4 p.
- PE 109-5
- Race, W.H., 1963, H. Stelting iron prospect, Haines Alaska, Skagway quadrangle: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 109-5, 7 p.
- PE 109-4
- Herreid, G.H., 1961, Report on preliminary investigation of Morey-Quinlan-Tengs limestone property near Mile 39, Haines Highway, Skagway quadrangle: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 109-4, 4 p.
- PE 109-3
- Williams, J.A., 1956, Albill No. 2 claim, Skagway Quadrangle, radioactives: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 109-3, 8 p.
- PE 109-2
- Williams, J.A., 1953, Visit to the Alaska Iron Company magnetite deposit at Klukwan, Alaska, September 14, 1953: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 109-2, 3 p.
- PE 109-1
- Williams, J.A., 1952, Preliminary investigation of Alaska Iron Company's magnetite deposit near Klukwan in the Haines recording precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 109-1, 3 p.
- PE 104-7
- Alaska Cement Company, 1945, Prospectus and general engineering report, Alaska Cement Company: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 104-7, 25 p.
- PE 104-6
- Jasper, M.W., 1960, K & K Enterprise; gold-quartz property, Beauty Bay-Nuka Bay district, Kenai Peninsula, Seward precinct, Seldovia Quadrangle, Alaska: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 104-6, 11 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 20 feet.
- PE 104-5
- Jasper, M.W., 1956, Seldovia Mining Company and L.N. Lyons chromite prospects, Fish Creek, Red Mountain area, Seldovia precinct, Seldovia Quadrangle, Kenai, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 104-5, 13 p., 2 sheets.
- PE 104-4
- Jasper, M.W., 1954, Sunrise Mine, Alaska Exploration and Development Corporation gold-quartz property, Nuka Bay, Kenai Peninsula: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 104-4, 7 p., 3 sheets.
- PE 104-3
- Williams, J.A., 1954, Magnetic exploration of the Red Mountain chromite deposits, Kenai Peninsula: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 104-3, 16 p., 3 sheets.
- PE 104-2
- Jasper, M.W., 1953, Lyons mining account chromite deposit, Barbary Creek, Seldovia district, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 104-2, 3 p.
- PE 104-1
- Joesting, H.R., 1942, Geologic and magnetic survey, or; chromite deposits, Claim Point, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 104-1, 8 p., 6 sheets.
- PE 103-4
- Jasper, M.W., 1955, Grubstakers Incorporated, copper prospect, Iliamna Quadrangle, lower Cook Inlet region, Iliamna precinct, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 103-4, 7 p., 3 sheets.
- PE 103-3
- Jasper, M.W., 1955, Folly copper claim (Messrs. Pfaff, Sargent, Alsworth, and Gill, owners) Paint River area, Kamishar Bay region , Kokhanok precinct, Iliamna Quadrangle, Alaska Peninsula: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 103-3, 7 p.
- PE 103-2
- Jasper, M.W., 1956, McNeil copper claim group (E. E. Sargent & Associates, owners), Paint River area, Kamishak Bay region, Iliamna precinct, Alaska Peninsula: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 103-2, 14 p., 3 sheets.
- PE 103-1
- Jasper, M.W., 1953, Preliminary report on copper occurrences on McNeil claim group, Paint River area, Kamishak Bay region, Iliamna precinct, Alaska Peninsula: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 103-1, 9 p., 2 sheets.
- PE 101-1
- Roehm, J.C., 1937, Preliminary report of Winchester group of claims, Goodnews Bay district, Lower Kuskokwim, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 101-1, 2 p.
- PE 96-4
- Williams, J.A., 1956, Ibach prospect, Cordova Quadrangle, copper: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 96-4, 5 p.
- PE 96-3
- Williams, J.A., 1953, Examination of the Threeman copper property, Prince William Sound, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 96-3, 12 p.
- PE 96-2
- Williams, J.A., 1954, Property examination report on the Fidalgo-Alaska copper property, Prince William Sound: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 96-2, 2 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 96-1
- Roehm, J.C., 1939, Preliminary report on the Little Fissure vein and Blacksmith tunnel vein of the McKinley Lake Gold Mines, Inc., Cordova precinct, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 96-1, 3 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 20 feet.
- PE 96-0
- Shepard, J.G., 1926, The Lucky Strike property, Cordova precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 96-0, 2 p.
- PE 95-22
- Herreid, G.H., 1967, Property examination report on Russian River travertine: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 95-22, 14 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:20,000.
- PE 95-21
- Mihelich, Miro, 1960, Carl M. Clark claims, Resurrection Creek, Seward quad: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 95-21, 4 p.
- PE 95-20
- Jasper, M.W., 1957, William Johnson gold-quartz prospect, Mile 54 Seward-Anchorage highway, Seward Quadrangle, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 95-20, 6 p., 2 sheets.
- PE 95-19
- Jasper, M.W., 1957, H & T Mining Company, Last Chance mine in City of Seward, Alask, Kenai Peninsula: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 95-19, 6 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 30 feet.
- PE 95-18
- Jasper, M.W., 1956, Falls Creek Mining Company, gold-quartz property, Seward precinct, Seward Quadrangle, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 95-18, 12 p., 2 sheets.
- PE 95-17
- Williams, J.A., 1953, Examination of the K & T antimony prospect at Kenai Lake, Moose Pass-Hope district, Seward recording precinct, June 29, 1952: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 95-17, 7 p.
- PE 95-16
- Fiedler, H.L., 1945, Report on the Cedar Bay zinc property, Wells Bay: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 95-16, 7 p.
- PE 95-15
- Fiedler, H.L., 1945, Sweepstake Mining Company, Harriman Fiord: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 95-15, 6 p.
- PE 95-14
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Esther group, Esther Island, Port Wells district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 95-14, 2 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 10 feet.
- PE 95-13
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Culross group, Culross Island, Port Wells district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 95-13, 2 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 95-12
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Blue Fox group (Superior Mines, Inc.), Pigot Bay, Port Wells district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 95-12, 3 p.
- PE 95-11
- Roehm, J.C., 1937, Preliminary report of the Hirshey Mine, Moose Pass-Hope District, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 95-11, 5 p., 1 sheet.
- PE 95-10
- Roehm, J.C., 1937, Preliminary report of Gold mint group, Palmer Creek, Hope mining district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 95-10, 3 p., 1 sheet.
- PE 95-9
- Roehm, J.C., 1937, Preliminary report of Oracle mine, Summit Creek, Moose Pass-Hope district, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 95-9, 3 p.
- PE 95-8
- Roehm, J.C., 1937, Preliminary report of Sunshine group, Palmer Creek, Hope mining district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 95-8, 2 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 80 feet.
- PE 95-7
- Roehm, J.C., 1937, Preliminary report of New Rope mine (Swetmann property), Palmer Creek, Hope mining district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 95-7, 2 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 95-6
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of El Primero Mining and Milling Company (Granite mine), Port Wells, Valddez Glacier mining district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 95-6, 2 p.
- PE 95-5
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Portage Gold Mines, Ltd., Poe Bay, Prince William Sound District, Valdez precinct, Port Wells area: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 95-5, 3 p.
- PE 95-4
- Wimmler, N.L., 1926, Brewster quartz property: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 95-4, 3 p.
- PE 95-3
- Shepard, J.G., 1926, The Shoo Fly claims prospect, Hogg Bay, Brainbridge Island: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 95-3, 2 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 20 feet.
- PE 95-2
- Shepard, J.G., 1926, The Merril property, Bettles Bay-Valdez mining precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 95-2, 2 p.
- PE 95-1
- Shepard, J.G., 1925, The Beatson-Girdwood mines, Valdez precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 95-1, 4 p.
- PE 95-1A
- Shepard, J.G., 1925, The Hemple prospect, Hogan Bay, Knights Island, Valdez precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 95-1A, 2 p.
- PE 87-11
- Herreid, G.H., 1969, Report on George Gilbertson's Crumb Gulch Prospect: Alaska Division of Mines and Geology Prospect Evaluation 87-11, 5 p.
- PE 87-10
- Saunders, R.H., 1952, Report on the preliminary examination of a molybdenum deposit on Porphyry Mountain near McCarthy, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 87-10, 6 p.
- PE 87-9
- Saunders, R.H., 1952, Report on the prospecting program of the Alaska Copper Company on Glacier Creek, Copper River region, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 87-9, 7 p.
- PE 87-8
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report on holdings of Gold King Alaska, Inc., Nizina mining district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 87-8, 5 p.
- PE 87-7
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Taylor group, Rex Creek, Nizina mining district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 87-7, 3 p.
- PE 87-6
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Yellow Band group, Bremner district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 87-6, 2 p.
- PE 87-5
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Bear Mine group, Trail Creek, Bremner mining district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 87-5, 3 p.
- PE 87-4
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Chas. A. Nelson prospect, Bremner mining district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 87-4, 1 p.
- PE 87-3
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Bremner Mining Company, Hanagita-Bermner mining district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 87-3, 9 p.
- PE 87-2
- Shepard, J.G., 1925, The O'Hara-Farmun prospect, Chitina Precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 87-2, 2 p.
- PE 87-1
- Shepard, J.G., 1925, The Strelna district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 87-1, 1 p.
- PE 86-14
- Conwell, C.N., 1972, Tiekel prospect, Valdez Quadrangle: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Prospect Evaluation 86-14, 9 p.
- PE 86-13
- Jasper, M.W., 1960, Report on Spirit Mountain nickel-copper prospect, Chitina district, Copper Center precinct, Valdez Quadrangle, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 86-13, 29 p., 4 sheets.
- PE 86-12
- Williams, J.A., 1955, Fine Chance gold lode, Valdez district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 86-12, 3 p.
- PE 86-11
- Jasper, M.W., 1953, Midas copper mine, Valdez district, preliminary report: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 86-11, 4 p.
- PE 86-10
- Fiedler, H.L., 1945, The old Charles Wetzler lode claim on the west fork of Hurtle Creek I the Tiedel district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 86-10, 10 p.
- PE 86-9
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Chugach Gold Mines, Inc. (Cliff Mine), Valdez mining district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 86-9, 3 p.
- PE 86-8
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Ruff and Tuff Mining Company, Columbia Glacier area, Port Valdez district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 86-8, 8 p., 3 sheets.
- PE 86-7
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of workings and showings of Alaskan Mayfield Mines, Inc., Columbia Glacier area, Valdez mining district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 86-7, 7 p.
- PE 86-6
- Shepard, J.G., 1936, The Valdez Mining Company, Valdez precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 86-6, 2 p.
- PE 86-5
- Shepard, J.G., 1926, The Hurtle Creek Mining Company, Hurtle Creek-Tiekel district, Valdez precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 86-5, 3 p.
- PE 86-4
- Shepard, J.G., 1926, The Knowles prospect, Mill Creek, Tiekel district, Valdez precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 86-4, 2 p.
- PE 86-3
- Shepard, J.G., 1926, The Ellis prospect, Boulder Creek, Tiekel district, Valdez precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 86-3, 2 p.
- PE 86-2
- Shepard, J.G., 1925, The Little Giant Mining Co, Mineral Creek, Valdez precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 86-2, 5 p.
- PE 85-23
- Jasper, M.W., 1962, Wheeler, Betts, Dimmick and Staude Lode - Gold Property, Grubstake Gulch, Willow Creek mining district, Anchorage, Alaska: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 85-23, 6 p.
- PE 85-22
- Mihelich, Miro, and Jasper, M.W., 1961, Report on preliminary investigation of the Kings River area limestone deposits, Anchorage quadrangle: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 85-22, 9 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360.
- PE 85-21
- Jasper, M.W., 1959, Rusaw and Anell copper prospect report: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 85-21, 6 p.
- PE 85-20
- Jasper, M.W., 1956, Bernard Locke copper prospect, Glacier Fan Creek, Sheep Mountain, Palmer Precinct, Anchorage Quadrangle, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 85-20, 9 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:15,840.
- PE 85-19
- Williams, J.A., 1955, Four-in-one copper prospect, Anchorage Quadrangle: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 85-19, 5 p.
- PE 85-18
- Jasper, M.W., 1953, J.Fabian and D. Moore clay deposit, Little Susitna - Fishhook area: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 85-18, 1 p.
- PE 85-17
- Jasper, M.W., 1953, Preliminary report on copper occurrences in Little Susitna River-Moose Creek area, Palmer Precinct, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 85-17, 26 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:500,000.
- PE 85-16
- Jasper, M.W., 1954, Sheep Mountain copper prospect of George Fennimore's upper Matanuska Valley, Third Division, Palmer Precinct: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 85-16, 9 p., 1 sheet.
- PE 85-15
- Fowler, H.M., 1950, Report on the Glacier Prospect, Willow Creek District, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 85-15, 5 p.
- PE 85-14
- Dahners, L.A., 1947, Preliminary report on the Brown Bear lead and zinc claims near Miner Lake, Prince William Sound, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 85-14, 5 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 80 feet.
- PE 85-13
- Saarela, L.H., 1945, Report on the Glacier Claims, Willow Creek District: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 85-13, 4 p.
- PE 85-12
- Saarela, L.H., 1945, Report on the Gold Center Mines, Willow Creek District: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 85-12, 3 p.
- PE 85-11
- Joesting, H.R., 1942, Report of Pioneer Creek, Chromite Prospects, Anchorage District, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 85-11, 9 p.
- PE 85-10
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Jap Property, upper Willow Creek, Willow Creek District, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 85-10, 2 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 100 feet.
- PE 85-9
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of property (Kelly Gold Mines Corporation), upper Willow Creek, Willow Creek District, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 85-9, 2 p.
- PE 85-8
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Mammoth Group, upper Willow Creek, Willow Creek District, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 85-8, 3 p.
- PE 85-7
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Clyde Thorpe Property, Grubstake Creek, Willow Creek District, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 85-7, 2 p.
- PE 85-6
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Ready Bullion Group, Craigie Creek, Willow Creek District, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 85-6, 2 p.
- PE 85-5
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Gold Mint group (Donan Mines, Inc), Little Susitna River, Willow Creek district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 85-5, 3 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 85-4
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Webfoot Prospect, Archangel Creek, Willow Creek District, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 85-4, 3 p.
- PE 85-3
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Gem property, Archangel Creek, Willow Creek District, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 85-3, 2 p.
- PE 85-2
- Roehm, J.C., 1938, Preliminary report of Stiles property, Reed Creek, Willow Creek District, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 85-2, 2 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 85-1
- Roehm, J.C., and Dahners, L.A., 1946, Preliminary report of mining activities on Crow Creek, Girdwood district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 85-1, 6 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 85-0
- Peterson, W.A., and Jasper, M.W., 1960, Moose Creek-Little Susitna Copper prospect: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 85-0, 122 p., 1 sheet.
- PE 84-1
- Jasper, M.W., 1960, Report covering preliminary investigation of McArthur River black and white sands deposit, Tyonek and Kenai quadrangles: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 84-1, 6 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
- PE 82-5
- Jasper, M.W., 1956, Parks cinnabar prospect (Willis & Lyman, owners), Sleetmute district, Aniak precinct, Kuskokwim region, Alaska (Sleetmute quadrangle): Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 82-5, 9 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 100 feet.
- PE 82-4
- Jasper, M.W., 1955, Kolmakof cinnabar prospect, Western Alaska Mining Company, Aniak precinct, Kuskokwim region, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 82-4, 10 p., 3 sheets.
- PE 82-3
- Jasper, M.W., 1955, Willis cinnabar property, Sleetmute district, Aniak precinct, Kuskokwim region, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 82-3, 19 p., 2 sheets.
- PE 82-2
- Roehm, J.C., 1939, Preliminary report of Barometer Group, Kuskokwim precinct, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 82-2, 3 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 20 feet.
- PE 82-1
- Roehm, J.C., 1939, Preliminary report of the Red Devil Group (Quicksilver Prospect) Kuskokwim district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 82-1, 4 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 40 feet.
- PE 81-1
- Holzheimer, F.W., 1926, Report on the New York Alaska Gold Dredging Company operation, Bear Creek, Tuluksak River, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 81-1, 18 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 1 mile.
- PE 78-6
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of combined Aviator and Eyre groups of claims, Chisana mining district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 78-6, 6 p., 5 sheets.
- PE 78-5
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of operations of the Nabesna Mining Corporation, 1933 to September 6, 1936: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 78-5, 7 p., 2 sheets.
- PE 78-4
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report on the Rock Creek molybdenum group of claims, Slana mining district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 78-4, 2 p.
- PE 78-3
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report up King Galena prospect, Chisana mining district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 78-3, 1 p.
- PE 78-2
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of Peterson lode prospect, Big Eldorado Creek, Chisana district, August 23, 1936: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 78-2, 2 p.
- PE 78-1
- Stewart, B.D., 1931, Extract from pp. 69-74 of a report on cooperation between the Territory of Alaska and the United States, etc., biennium ending March 31, 1931; Alaska Nabesna Orange Hill copper claims: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 78-1, 6 p.
- PE 78-0
- Alaska Territorial Department of Mines, 1932, Nabesna Mining Corporation (Miscellaneous Papers): Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 78-0, 62 p.
- PE 77-4
- Richter, D.H., 1964, New ore mineral occurrence and geochemical anomaly in the Slana area: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 77-4, 6 p.
- PE 77-3
- Jasper, M.W., 1956, Fred Bronnicke's gold-quartz prospect, Ahtell Creek, Copper Center precinct, Gulkana Quadrangle, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 77-3, 10 p.
- PE 77-2
- Jasper, M.W., 1955, Grubstake Creek placer and copper prospect, Mineral Development and Exploration Co., Inc., Ahtell Creek, Slana district, Copper Center precinct, Gulkana Quadrangle, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 77-2, 9 p.
- PE 77-1
- Roehm, J.C., 1936, Preliminary report of placer holdings of Ahtell Mining Company, Slana mining district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 77-1, 5 p., 1 sheet.
- PE 76-2
- Saunders, R.H., 1957, Report on the examination of a copper prospect on Butte Creek, Talkeetna Mountains quadrangle: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 76-2, 4 p.
- PE 76-1
- Holdsworth, P.R., 1952, Preliminary report on the Ihly-Callahan-Panky silver-lead prospect near Gold Creek, Chulitna sub-district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 76-1, 4 p.
- PE 75-4
- Conwell, C.N., 1973, Grandview Exploration Company, tin and silver prospects, Talkeetna D-5 Quadrangle, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Prospect Evaluation 75-4, 40 p.
- PE 75-3
- Saunders, R.H., 1956, Supplementary report on the Mespelt Prospect, Talkeetna Quadrangle, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 75-3, 9 p.
- PE 75-2
- Saunders, R.H., 1951, Report on the preliminary examination of the lode deposits of the Dutch Hills Exploration and Development Co., Cache Creek district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 75-2, 10 p.
- PE 75-1
- Thomas, B.I., 1948, Jiles-Knudson prospect: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 75-1, 3 p.
- PE 74-1
- Jasper, M.W., 1961, Report on White Mountains, cinnabar prospect of Cordero Mining Company: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 74-1, 8 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 20 feet.
- PE 73-1
- Roehm, J.C., 1937, Preliminary report of Golden Horn mine, Iditarod mining district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 73-1, 9 p., 2 sheets.
- PE 69-1
- Joesting, H.R., 1941, The stibnite prospect on Boulder Creek, Tok River district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 69-1, 8 p.
- PE 68-9
- Saunders, R.H., 1963, Report on the examination of the Tripp copper prospect, Mt. Hayes quadrangle: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 68-9, 2 p.
- PE 68-8
- Saunders, R.H., 1962, Report on the Emerick west delta nickel prospect, Mt. Hayes Quadrangle: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 68-8, 9 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 500 feet.
- PE 68-7
- Saunders, R.H., 1961, Report on the Emericks nickel prospect, Mt. Hayes quadrangle: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 68-7, 9 p., 2 sheets.
- PE 68-6
- Saunders, R.H., 1958, Walters silver-lead prospect near Dot Lake, Mt. Hayes quadrangle: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 68-6, 3 p.
- PE 68-5
- Saunders, R.H., 1957, The Ghezzi copper prospect on the Maclaren River, Mt. Hayes quadrangle: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 68-5, 3 p.
- PE 68-4
- Jasper, M.W., 1956, Slate Creek, Hobbs Enterprises [Notes]: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 68-4, 28 p.
- PE 68-3
- Saunders, R.H., 1957, Report on the Emericks prospect, Mt. Hayes quadrangle: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 68-3, 6 p.
- PE 68-2
- Saunders, R.H., 1956, Supplementary report on the K-M copper prospect on the Maclaren River, Mt. Hayes quadrangle: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 68-2, 6 p., 5 sheets.
- PE 68-1
- Joesting, H.R., 1941, The geology and ore deposits of Ptarmigan Creek, Mt. Hayes district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 68-1, 14 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 400 feet.
- PE 67-4
- Kaufman, M.A., 1964, Two new occurrences of ore minerals in the Denali area: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 67-4, 5 p.
- PE 67-3
- Saunders, R.H., 1957, Report on the examination of the Greathouse Copper prospect, Healy quadrangle: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 67-3, 5 p.
- PE 67-3A
- Conwell, C.N., 1972, Dry Creek copper prospect, Fairbanks, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Prospect Evaluation 67-3A, 7 p.
- PE 67-2
- Saunders, R.H., 1965, Report on the Ready Cash prospect, Ohio Creek, Healy quadrangle: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 67-2, 9 p.
- PE 67-1
- Shepard, J.G., 1925, Golden zone property: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 67-1, 7 p.
- PE 66-3
- Saunders, R.H., 1964, Report on the Bonnell silver-lead prospect, Mt. McKinley Quadrangle: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 66-3, 13 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 50 feet.
- PE 66-2
- Saunders, R.H., 1963, Report on exploration on Quigley Ridge, Kantishna District, by Moneta Porcupine Mines, Ltd.: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 66-2, 2 p.
- PE 66-1
- Pilgrim, E.R., 1929, Report on Shannon lode properties, Slippery Creek area, Kantishna recording district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 66-1, 10 p.
- PE 65-1
- Jasper, M.W., 1961, Report on mespelt mine operation of Strandberg Mines, Inc., Nixon Fork district, Medfra Quadrangle, Alaska: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 65-1, 9 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 20 feet.
- PE 64-1
- Jasper, M.W., 1959, Warren Magnuson claims on Ganes Creek: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 64-1, 11 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:1,200.
- PE 60-11
- Saunders, R.H., 1962, Report on the examination of the Mitchell copper prospect, Eagle quadrangle: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 60-11, 4 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 200 feet.
- PE 60-10
- Saunders, R.H., 1962, My and Our Creek silver prospects, Fortymile District, Eagle Quadrangle: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 60-10, 7 p.
- PE 60-9
- Saunders, R.H., 1960, Report on the Purdy gold-quartz prospect, Eagle quadrangle: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Prospect Evaluation 60-9, 2 p.
- PE 60-8
- Saunders, R.H., 1960, Report on a magnetite occurrence near Boundary, Eagle quadrangle: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 60-8, 3 p.
- PE 60-7
- Saunders, R.H., 1959, Report on the examination of a vermiculite prospect in the Fortymile district, Eagle quadrangle: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 60-7, 13 p.
- PE 60-6
- Saunders, R.H., 1957, Report on the La Flamme copper prospect, Eagle quadrangle: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 60-6, 7 p.
- PE 60-5
- Saunders, R.H., 1957, Report on scheelite-bearing veins at the Weston placer mine, Eagle quadrangle: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 60-5, 7 p.
- PE 60-4
- Saunders, R.H., 1956, Report on the Flume Creek lode-gold prospect, Eagle quadrangle: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 60-4, 10 p.
- PE 60-3
- Saunders, R.H., 1953, Report on the preliminary examination of the Fred J. Jenkins property near Eagle, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 60-3, 18 p.
- PE 60-2
- Anderson, Eskil, 1946, Wolverine Copper Prospect, Charley River District: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 60-2, 2 p.
- PE 60-1
- Joesting, H.R., and Anderson, Eskil, 1942, Preliminary report on My Creek stibnite prospect, Fortymile District, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 60-1, 4 p.
- PE 59-2
- Saunders, R.H., 1958, Report on the examination of a graphite prospect near French Creek, Fairbanks District: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 59-2, 2 p.
- PE 59-1
- Saunders, R.H., 1954, Report on the examination of the Ricks Prospect, Big Delta Quadrangle, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 59-1, 15 p.
- PE 58-17
- Conwell, C.N., 1973, Buzby lead-silver prospect, Fairbanks, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Prospect Evaluation 58-17, 12 p.
- PE 58-15
- Vance, Theodore, and Asher, R.R., 1968, Report on the examination of the Busty Belle mining claims: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 58-15, 2 p.
- PE 58-14
- Saunders, R.H., 1963, Examination of a gold prospect on Nugget Creek, Fairbanks Quadrangle: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 58-14, 2 p.
- PE 58-13
- Saunders, R.H., 1963, The McGrath lode-gold prospect, Fairbanks Quadrangle: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 58-13, 4 p.
- PE 58-11
- Saunders, R.H., 1958, The Silvertone prospect in 1961, Fairbanks district, Fairbanks quadrangle: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 58-11, 6 p.
- PE 58-10
- Saunders, R.H., 1958, An asbestos occurrence near Fox, Fairbanks district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 58-10, 2 p.
- PE 58-9
- Saunders, R.H., 1956, Mohawk mine tailing treatment, 1956: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 58-9, 5 p.
- PE 58-8
- Saunders, R.H., 1953, Work done in 1956-57 on the Spruce Hen tungsten prospect, Fairbanks quadrangle: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 58-8, 10 p.
- PE 58-7
- Saunders, R.H., 1954, Report on the Vuyovich gold-quartz prospect, Ester, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 58-7, 22 p.
- PE 58-6
- Williams, J.A., and Saunders, R.H., 1950, Examination of prospect trenches on Ready Bullion Lode Property (Ester Dome): Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 58-6, 10 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 100 feet.
- PE 58-6A
- Saunders, R.H., 1951, Gilmore Dome tungsten deposit: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 58-6A, 15 p.
- PE 58-5
- Thomas, B.I., 1947, Operations of Alaskan Mining Co.: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 58-5, 4 p.
- PE 58-4
- Joesting, H.R., 1943, Report on magnetic and non-magnetic gangue in scheelite ore from Cleary Hill Mines property, Gilmore dome, Fairbanks district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 58-4, 15 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 10 feet.
- PE 58-3
- Joesting, H.R., 1940, Progress report on the Ryan Lode geological and geophysical survey: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 58-3, 12 p.
- PE 58-2
- Wimmler, N.L., 1926, Elmes Gold Mining Company: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 58-2, 5 p.
- PE 58-1
- Wimmler, N.L., 1926, Eva Quartz Company: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 58-1, 3 p.
- PE 55-1
- Holzheimer, F.W., 1926, Silver-lead ores in the Ruby District (Galena Mine and Fourteen Prospect): Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 55-1, 10 p.
- PE 53-1
- Williams, J.A., 1953, Examination of Gray Eagle antimony prospect, Solomon Quadrangle, Nome district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 53-1, 4 p.
- PE 52-3
- Holdsworth, P.R., 1955, Prospect examination report on Native Bismuth, Inc., Charley Creek Prospect: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 52-3, 4 p.
- PE 52-2
- Jones, D.A., 1953, Rocky Mountain scheelite prospect, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 52-2, 26 p., 2 sheets.
- PE 52-1
- Jones, D.A., 1951, Native Bismuth, Inc.: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 52-1, 4 p.
- PE 51-1
- Williams, J.A., 1951, Memorandum report on a radiometric investigation of the Connell property, 28 mile, Yukon River, Circle District: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 51-1, 10 p.
- PE 49-21
- Conwell, C.N., 1972, Lundgren-Rowley tungsten prospect: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Prospect Evaluation 49-21, 5 p.
- PE 49-20
- Vance, Theodore, 1968, The Harry Pannick prospect on Flume Creek, Fairbanks District, Alaska: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 49-20, 4 p.
- PE 49-19
- Vance, Theodore, 1968, Examination of Steamboat Creek prospect, Fairbanks district in 1968: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 49-19, 19 p.
- PE 49-18
- Saunders, R.H., 1963, Examination of trenches on the Fairbanks Wolf Creek divide: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 49-18, 11 p.
- PE 49-17
- Saunders, R.H., 1963, Report on the examination of trenches at the Tolovana Mine, Livengood Quadrangle: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 49-17, 2 p.
- PE 49-16
- Saunders, R.H., 1962, The P and P Mining Company in 1961, Dome Creek, Fairbanks district, Livengood quadrangle: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 49-16, 4 p.
- PE 49-15
- Saunders, R.H., 1964, Report on the preliminary examination of a prospect on Steamboat Creek, Fairbanks district, Livengood quadrangle: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 49-15, 21 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 20 feet.
- PE 49-14
- Saunders, R.H., 1957, Report on the Sawtooth Mountain antimony prospect, Livengood Quadrangle: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 49-14, 12 p.
- PE 49-13
- Saunders, R.H., 1954, Report on the Griffin Nickel Prospect, Livengood Quadrangle: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 49-13, 5 p.
- PE 49-12
- Saunders, R.H., 1954, Report on the examination of the Daniell prospect, Ruth Creek, Livengood quadrangle: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 49-12, 2 p.
- PE 49-11
- Saunders, R.H., 1953, Polaris lead-silver prospect: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 49-11, 5 p.
- PE 49-10
- Saunders, R.H., and Williams, J.A., 1952, Electrical resistivity survey at the Creighton Mine, Pedro Dome, 1952: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 49-10, 2 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 50 feet.
- PE 49-9
- Thomas, B.I., 1948, Field trip-Livengood: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 49-9, 2 p.
- PE 49-8
- Thomas, B.I., 1948, Tolovana Hot Springs (Livengood): Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 49-8, 8 p.
- PE 49-7
- Joesting, H.R., 1942, Preliminary report on an antimony prospect on Willow Creek, Fairbanks District, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 49-7, 2 p.
- PE 49-6
- Joesting, H.R., 1941, The Hudson Cinnabar Prospect, Tolovana District, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 49-6, 6 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 20 feet.
- PE 49-5
- Joesting, H.R., 1941, The McCarty Mine Fairbanks mining district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 49-5, 6 p.
- PE 49-4
- Reed, I.M., 1938, Brief lode report on the Hi Yu Mining Company (Fairbanks Creek): Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 49-4, 3 p., 2 sheets.
- PE 49-3
- Reed, I.M., 1938, Brief report on the Twin Lode Mine in the Fairbanks mining district: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 49-3, 2 p.
- PE 49-2
- Reed, I.M., 1938, American Eagle lode: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 49-2, 2 p.
- PE 49-1
- Reed, I.M., 1931, Report on Hudson cinnabar prospect, Tolovana District: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 49-1, 8 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 1 mile.
- PE 45-1
- Jones, D.A., 1953, Peace River uranium prospect, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 45-1, 22 p., 1 sheet, scale 1 inch = 100 feet.
- PE 44-3
- Conwell, C.N., 1971, Tundra exploration - Kugruk Project (Bendeleben Quadrangle): Alaska Division of Geological Survey Prospect Evaluation 44-3, 18 p., 1 sheet.
- PE 44-2
- Burand, W.M., 1957, A report on the Hannum Creek lead deposit: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 44-2, 4 p., 4 sheets.
- PE 44-1
- Jones, D.A., 1952, Foster lead-silver prospect, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 44-1, 14 p., 3 sheets.
- PE 43-3
- Williams, J.A., and Saunders, R.H., 1954, Magnetic exploration of the Cape Mountain placer tin deposits: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 43-3, 13 p., 6 sheets.
- PE 43-2
- Williams, J.A., and Saunders, R.H., 1952, Geophysical exploration at the Lost River tin deposit, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 43-2, 15 p., 6 sheets.
- PE 43-1
- Shallit, A.B., 1941, Report on Ward Copper Company property, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 43-1, 13 p., 2 sheets, scale 1 inch = 400 feet.
- PE 31-3
- Saunders, R.H., 1963, Report on exploration in the Chandalar District, 1962: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 31-3, 5 p.
- PE 31-2
- Williams, J.A., 1952, A magnetometer survey of Denny's Gulch and Sawlog Creek in the Koyukuk - Chandalar Region, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 31-2, 19 p., 18 sheets.
- PE 31-1
- Anderson, Eskil, 1956, Big Creek placer prospect, Chandalar mining district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 31-1, 4 p.
- PE 28-4
- Saunders, R.H., 1963, Report on exploration at Ruby Creek, Kobuk District, 1962: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Prospect Evaluation 28-4, 3 p.
- PE 28-3
- Saunders, R.H., 1956, Supplementary report on the Kobuk Copper Prospect, Shungnak District, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 28-3, 3 p.
- PE 28-2
- Saunders, R.H., 1955, Report on the examination of the Kobuk Copper Prospect, Shungnak District, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 28-2, 11 p.
- PE 28-1
- Saunders, R.H., 1952, Report on the preliminary examination of the Berg prospect, Ruby Creek, Shungnak district, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 28-1, 13 p., 3 sheets.
- PE 26-1
- Saunders, R.H., 1955, Report on the examination of the Sours chromium prospect, Montak quadrangle: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 26-1, 4 p.