Snow science, avalanche dynamics, geologic hazards, glaciology, remote sensing, GIS
Education and/or Training
M.S. Environmental Science, 2016, Alaska Pacific University, AK
B.S. Geography, 2012, Stockholm University, Sweden
Projects and/or Research Interests
My research background is focused on investigating snow avalanche release and flow behavior with the implementation of various remote sensing techniques and dynamical modelling. In my position with the Climate & Cryosphere Hazards Program (CCHP) at DGGS, I assist in developing and analyzing high quality geospatial products for sites in Alaska that are particularly prone to alpine natural hazards and where communities and infrastructure are potentially endangered.
Professional Experience
2024-present, Hydrologist, State of Alaska, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Anchorage, AK
2020-2023, Natural Resource Specialist, State of Alaska, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Anchorage, AK
2017-2019, Geologist, State of Alaska, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Fairbanks, AK
2016, Environmental Specialist, exp Energy Services Inc., Anchorage, AK
2015, Avalanche Modeling Consultant, ENVICON&HAZ, Anchorage, AK
2014-2016, GIS Intern, exp Energy Services Inc., Anchorage, AK
Selected Professional Activities
2013-2015 Alaska Railroad Corporation Research Grant
2014 American Avalanche Association Theo Meiner Research Grant
2014 Avalanche Canada Foundation Cora Shea Memorial Fund
2014 American Alpine Club Research Grant
Selected Publications
- Wikstrom Jones, K.M., and Wolken, G.J., 2024, Lidar-derived elevation data for Thane Road, southeast Alaska, collected September 6, 2019: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2024-16, 7 p.
- Zechmann, J.M., Wikstrom Jones, K.M., and Wolken, G.J., 2024, Lidar-derived elevation data for Cordova, southcentral Alaska, collected August 18-19, 2023, and September 19 and 22, 2023: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2024-6, 11 p.
- Wikstrom Jones, K.M., and Wolken, G.J., 2024, Lidar-derived elevation data for Penguin Ridge, southcentral Alaska, collected September 22, 2021: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2024-5, 11 p.
- Nicolazzo, J.A., Wikstrom Jones, K.M., Salisbury, J.B., and Horen, K.C., 2024, Post-landslide elevation changes detected from multi-temporal lidar surveys of the November 2023 Wrangell, Alaska, landslides: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Preliminary Interpretive Report 2024-2, 22 p.
- Zechmann, J.M., Wikstrom Jones, K.M., and Wolken, G.J., 2024, Lidar-derived elevation data for Wrangell Island, Southeast Alaska, collected November 28-29, 2023: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2024-1, 9 p.
- White, K.S., Hood, Eran, Wolken, G.J., Peitzsch, E.H., Bühler, Yves, Wikstrom Jones, Katreen, and Darimont, C.T., 2024, Snow avalanches are a primary climate-linked driver of mountain ungulate populations: Communications Biology, v. 7, no. 423.
- Schaefer, L.N., Coe, J.A., Wikstrom Jones, K.M., Collins, B.D., Staley, D.M., West, M.E., Karasozen, Ezgi, Miles, C., Wolken, G.J., Daanen, R.P., and Baxstrom, K.W., 2023, Kinematic evolution of a large paraglacial landslide in the Barry Arm Fjord of Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, v. 128, no. 11.
- Wikstrom Jones, K.M., Wolken, G.J., and Daanen, R.P., 2023, Lidar-derived elevation data for lower Serpentine Glacier and adjacent slopes, southcentral, Alaska, collected October 14, 2022: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2023-14, 7 p.
- Zechmann, J.M., Wikstrom Jones, K.M., and Wolken, G.J., 2023, Lidar-derived elevation data for land near Grewingk Glacier and Halibut Cove Lagoon, southcentral Alaska, collected October 12-13, 2021: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2023-2, 11 p.
- Zechmann, J.M., Wikstrom Jones, K.M., and Wolken, G.J., 2023, Lidar-derived elevation data for the Twentymile River watershed, southcentral Alaska, collected August-October 2022: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2023-3, 8 p.
- Wikstrom Jones, K.M., and Wolken, G.J., 2022, Lidar-derived elevation data for Eaglecrest ski area, Southeast Alaska, collected September 6, 2019: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2021-10, 8 p.
- Wikstrom Jones, K.M., and Wolken, G.J., 2022, Lidar-derived elevation data for Speel Arm, Southeast Alaska, collected September 7, 2019: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2021-11, 8 p.
- Wikstrom Jones, K.M., and Wolken, G.J., 2022, Lidar-derived elevation data for Mount Juneau, Southeast Alaska, collected September 6, 2019: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2021-12, 8 p.
Crumley, R.L., Hill, D.F., Wikstrom Jones, K.M., Wolken, G.J., Arendt, A.A., Aragon, C.M., Cosgrove, Christopher, and Community Snow Observations Participants, 2021, Assimilation of citizen science data in snowpack modeling using a new snow data set: Community Snow Observations: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, v. 12, p. 4651-4680.
- Wikstrom Jones, K.M., Wolken, G.J., Daanen, R.P., and Herbst, A.M., 2021, Photogrammetry-derived orthoimagery and elevation data for Barry Arm landslide, southcentral Alaska, June 27, 2020: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2021-5, 6 p.
- Daanen, R.P., Wolken, G.J., Wikstrom Jones, K.M., and Herbst, A.M., 2021, High resolution lidar-derived elevation data for Barry Arm landslide, southcentral Alaska, June 26, 2020: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2021-3, 9 p.
- Daanen, R.P., Herbst, A.M., Wikstrom Jones, K.M., and Wolken, G.J., 2021, High-resolution lidar data for Haines, southcentral Alaska, December 8-12, 2020: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2021-4, 8 p.
- Wikstrom Jones, K.M., Wolken, G.J., Daanen, R.P., and Herbst, A.M., 2021, Lidar-derived elevation data for Turnagain Pass, southcentral Alaska, September 2, 2018: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2020-16, 7 p.
- Daanen, R.P., Wolken, G.J., Wikstrom Jones, K.M., and Herbst, A.M., 2021, Lidar-derived elevation data for upper Barry Arm, southcentral Alaska, June 26, 2020: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2021-1, 9 p.
- Wikstrom Jones, K.M., Wolken, G.J., Daanen, R.P., and Herbst, A.M., 2020, Lidar-derived elevation data for Kensington Mine, Southeast Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2020-7, 5 p.
- Emond, A.M., Jorgensen, Clark, Lockett, A.C., Daanen, R.P., Wolken, G.J., Wikstrom Jones, K.M., and Montayne, Simone, 2020, Ground gravity measurements from Goldstream Valley, interior Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2020-10, 5 p.
- Kienholz, Christian, Pierce, Jamie, Hood, Eran, Amundson, J.M., Wolken, G.J., Jacobs, Aaron, Hart, Skye, Wikstrom Jones, K.M., Abdel-Fattah, Dina, Johnson, Crane, and Conaway, J.S., 2020, Deglacierization of a marginal basin and implications for outburst floods, Mendenhall Glacier, Alaska: Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 8, no. 137.
- Herriott, T.M., Wikstrom Jones, K.M., Wolken, G.J., and Willingham, A.L., 2020, Photogrammetry-derived digital surface model and orthoimagery of the Usibelli Group type section, Suntrana Creek, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2020-2, 5 p.
- Daanen, R.P., and Wikstrom Jones, K.M., 2020, High-resolution lidar data for the Chilkat Ridge area, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2019-7, 11 p.
- Wikstrom Jones, K.M., Wolken, G.J., and Hendricks, M.D., 2019, Photogrammetry-derived digital surface model and orthoimagery of Valdez Glacier ice-dammed lake, Valdez, Alaska, October 12, 2016: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2019-6, 4 p.
- Wikstrom Jones, K.M., and Wolken, G.J., 2019, Valdez Glacier ice-dammed lake: June 2018 glacial lake outburst flood: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Preliminary Interpretive Report 2019-4, 6 p.
- Wikstrom Jones, K.M., Wolken, G.J., Whorton, E.N., and Hendricks, M.D., 2019, Photogrammetry-derived digital surface model and orthoimagery of Valdez Glacier ice-dammed lake, Valdez, Alaska, October 15, 2014: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2019-2, 4 p.
- Hill, D.F., Burakowski, E.A., Crumley, R.L., Keon, Julia, Hu, J.M., Arendt, A.A., Wikstrom Jones, Katreen, and Wolken, G.J., 2019, Converting snow depth to snow water equivalent using climatological variables: The Cryosphere, v. 13, p. 1767-1784.
- Wolken, G.J., and Wikstrom Jones, K.M., 2017, Valdez Glacier ice-dammed lake: June 2017 glacial lake outburst flood: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Preliminary Interpretive Report 2017-4, 5 p.
- Wolken, G.J., Wikstrom Jones, K.M., Whorton, E.N., Gould, A.I., and Hendricks, M.D., 2017, Photogrammetric data of the Haines Highway corridor: May 26, 2014: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2017-6, 20 p.
- Wikstrom Jones, K.M., Loso, Michael, Bartelt, Perry, and Vera Valero, Cesar, 2016, Modeled mass and temperature effects of released and entrained snow on the lubricated flow regime of avalanches at Bird Hill, south-central Alaska: International Snow Science Workshop 2016 Proceedings, Breckenridge, CO.
- Vera Valero, Cesar, Wikstroem Jones, Katreen, Bühler, Yves, and Bartelt, Perry, 2015, Release temperature, snow-cover entrainment and the thermal flow regime of snow avalanches: Journal of Glaciology, 61 (225), 173-184.