See the Geologic Hazards page to learn more about DGGS hazard related projects and find helpful links to relevant information.
Hazards Program Instrumentation Specialist
Geological Health Hazards Program
Landslide Hazards Program: Geologic hazards, hillslope processes, engineering geology, neotectonics, geomorphology, structural geology, lidar, and photogrammetry
Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards Program: Neotectonics, earthquake geology, paleoseismology, seismic hazards, tsunami hazards, tsunami source characterization, geomorphology, lidar, photogrammetry
Climate and Cryosphere Hazards Program: Snow science, avalanche dynamics, geologic hazards, glaciology, remote sensing, GIS
Climate and Cryosphere Hazards Program: Glaciology, climatology, geomorphology, snow science, geologic hazards, remote sensing
Geological Health Hazards Program: Radon Hazards