State of Alaska Alaska / Natural Resources DNR / Geological & Geophysical Surveys DGGS / PublicationsPubs / OF 72-325OF 72-325

USGS OF 72-325

Reconnaissance geologic map of the Solomon D-6 Quadrangle, Seward Peninsula, Alaska

Bibliographic Reference

Sainsbury, C.L., Hudson, Travis, Ewing, Rodney, and Richards, Thomas, 1972, Reconnaissance geologic map of the Solomon D-6 Quadrangle, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 72-325, 17 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360.

Publication Products


Adventuress Creek; Allanite; Alluvium; American Creek; Andalusite; Auburn Creek; Aurora Creek; Babs Creek; Barney Creek; Bedrock; Bedrock Geology; Bell Creek; Benson Creek; Bentley Creek; Bertha Creek; Big Creek; Boldrin Creek; Bonanza Creek; Bonanza River; Breccia; Breen Creek; Calcite; Canyon Creek; Casadepaga River; Chert; Chickamin Creek; Chlorite; Coal Creek; Cold Creek; Colluvium; Colly Creek; Conglomerate; Council Mining District; Crater Creek; Cretaceous; Cripple Creek; Dane Creek; Devonian; Dexter Creek; Discovery Creek; Dividend Creek; Dolomite; Dome Creek; Eagle Creek; El Patrone Creek; Epidote; Flickinger Creek; Fossils; Fox Creek; Frost Creek; Gabbro; Garnet; Gassman Creek; GeMS DB L3 Compliant; GeMS DB v1pt1; Geologic Map; Geology; geoscientificInformation; Glacial; Glaciation; Gneiss; Granite; Graphite; Graywacke; Grouse Creek; Hard Luck Creek; Hilliard Creek; Hobo Creek; Homestake Creek; Independence Creek; Injured Creek; Iron Creek; Jasper Creek; Kennedy Creek; Kougarok Mining District; Lamande Creek; Last Chance Creek; Limestone; Linton Creek; Lone Creek; Madeira Creek; Marble; Matthews Creek; Mica; Mountain Creek; Myers Creek; Nelson Creek; Nome; Nome Mining District; Nome Mountains; Nugget Creek; Oakland Creek; Ordovician; Oscar Creek; Oversight Creek; Paleozoic; Pennsylvania Creek; Penny Creek; Phoenix Creek; Phyllite; Pilgrim River; Plagioclase; Portland Creek; Precambrian; Premier Creek; Quartz; Quaternary; Rabbit Creek; Ready Bullion Creek; Rock Creek; Rocks; Roger Creek; Salmon Lake; San Francisco Creek; Savannah Creek; Schist; Seward Peninsula; Shale; Shoal Creek; Sidney Creek; Sigard Creek; Silica; Skookum Creek; Slate; Slate Creek; Star Creek; Stella Creek; Sunrise Creek; Surficial; Taylor Creek; Telegram Creek; Telephone Creek; Terrace; Tony Creek; Tundra; Union Creek; Venetia Creek; Victoria Creek; Volcanic; Whiskey Creek; Willow Creek; Wilson Creek; York Slate

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