Miller, R.D., 1975, Surficial geologic map of the Juneau urban area and vicinity, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map 885, 1 sheet, scale 1:48,000.
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Alaska Chief Falls; Alluvial Deposits; Alluvium; Arastra Creek; Auke Bay; Auke Cape; Auke Creek; Auke Lake; Auke Mountain; Auke Nu Cove; Auke Nu Creek; Battleship Island; Bay Creek; Beach Deposits; Bear Creek; Bulger Hill; Bullard Mountain; Bullion Creek; Cairn Peak; Canyon Creek; Coghlan Island; Cohen Island; Colluvial Deposits; Colluvium; Court House Hill; Cove Creek; Cropley Lake; Cross Bay Creek; Debris Flow Deposit; Deltaic Facies; Diamictons; Douglas; Douglas Harbor; Douglas Island; Dredge Lake; Duck Creek; Eagle Creek; Ebner Falls; Elevenmile Creek; Evergreen Bowl; Fairhaven; Fan; Favorite Channel; Fish Creek; Fritz Cove; Gastineau Channel; Gastineau Channel Formation; Gastineau Peak; GeMS DB L3 Compliant; GeMS DB v1pt1; Geologic Map; Geology; Glacial Deposits; Goat Creek; Gold Creek; Gold Creek Valley; Goose Creek; Granite Creek; Grant Creek; Gull City; Harris Harbor; Hendrickson Creek; Hilda Creek; Holocene; Ice Creek; Icy Gulch; Impregnable Basin; Indian Cove; Indian Island; Johnson Creek; Jordan Creek; Juneau; Juneau Harbor; Juneau Island; Kowee Creek; Lake Creek; Landslide Deposit; Last Chance Basin; Lawson Creek; Lemon Creek; Lemon Creek Glacier; Lena Beach; Lena Cove; Lena Creek; Lurvey Creek; Marine; McDonough Peak; McGinnis Creek; McGinnis Mountain; Mendenhall Lake; Mendenhall Peninsula; Mendenhall River; Mendenhall Valley; Mendenhaven; Mesozoic; Montana Creek; Moraines; Mount Anderson; Mount Ben Stewart; Mount Bradley; Mount Juneau; Mount Maria; Mount Meek; Mount Troy; Neilson Creek; Nevada Creek; Ninemile Creek; Nugget Creek; Nugget Creek Glacier; Nugget Creek Mine; Nugget Gulch; Nugget Mountain; Observation Peak; Outwash; Paris Creek; Pederson Hill; Perseverance; Peterson Creek; Peterson Lake; Peterson Mine; Pleistocene; Prairie Basin; Ptarmigan Glacier; Quartz Glacier; Ready Bullion Beach; Ready Bullion Creek; Rock Avalanche; Saddle Mountain; Salmon Creek; Salmon Creek Dam; Salmon Creek Divide; Salmon Creek Reservoir; Sawmill Creek; Shaman Island; Shrine Creek; Silverbow Basin; Slate Creek; Smugglers Cove; Snowslide Creek; Spuhn Island; Starr Hill; Steep Creek; Stephens Passage; Stroller White Mountain; Suedla Island; Suicide Falls; Surficial; Surficial Geologic Map; Surficial Geology; Switzer Creek; Table Top Mountain; Talus; Tee Creek; Tee Harbor; Terrace; Tertiary; Thunder Mountain; Till; Topless Peak; Treasury Hill; Vanderbilt Hill; Vesper Peak; Vista Creek; Waydelich Creek; Windfall Creek; Windfall Creek Mine; geoscientificInformation