State of Alaska Alaska / Natural Resources DNR / Geological & Geophysical Surveys DGGS / PublicationsPubs / B 1287B 1287

USGS B 1287

Geology and ore deposits of the central York Mountains, western Seward Peninsula, Alaska

Bibliographic Reference

Sainsbury, C.L., 1969, Geology and ore deposits of the central York Mountains, western Seward Peninsula, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1287, 101 p., 6 sheets, scale 1:63,360.

Publication Products


Alluvial; Alma Creek; Anderson Creek; Anikovik River; Banner Creek; Beach Deposits; Bedrock; Bedrock Geology; Bering Sea; Brachiopods; Brooks Mountain; Buck Creek; Calcite; Camp Creek; Cassiterite Creek; Cassiterite Peak; Chert; Clara Creek; Clear Creek; Conglomerate; Cretaceous; Crystal Creek; Crystal Creek; Curve Creek; Deer Horn Peak; Dolomite; Don River; Elkington Creek; Esch Creek; Fan; Feldspar; Fossils; Fracture; Gabbro; GeMS DB L3 Compliant; GeMS DB v1pt1; Generalized; Geologic Map; Geology; geoscientificInformation; Glacial; Glacial Deposits; Granite; Graptolites; Graywacke; Igneous; Kanauguk River; King River; Koteebue Creek; Kotzebue Creek; Lamprophyre; Late Ordovician; Limestone; Lost Creek; Lost River; Magnetite; Mariposa Creek; Metals; Middle Ordovician; Mint River; Moonlight Creek; Moraines; Non-Metals; Onnuteschuik Creek; Outwash; Paleogene; Philadelphia Creek; Porphyry; Port Clarence Mining District; Price Creek; Quartz; Quaternary; Rapid River; Rhyolite; Rocks; Sedimentary; Shale; Siltstone; Skookum Creek; Slate; Slope; Sterling Creek; Surficial; Talus; Terrace; Tin; Tin Creek; Tundra; Yankee River; York Creek; York Mountains

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