Sedimentology of ancient and modern siliciclastic depositional systems from outcrop, core, and modern settings; seismic stratigraphy; sequence stratigraphy; field geology and mapping
Petroleum Geologist, Energy Resources
3651 Penland Pkwy Anchorage, AK 99508
(907) 451-5010
(907) 451-5050
Current Employee
: Yes
Education and/or Training
PhD, 2020, Coastal Carolina University, Coastal and Marine Science
M.S., 2008, Northern Arizona University, Geology
B.S., 2004, University of Maryland, College Park, Geology
Professional Experience
March 2023-Present, Petroleum Geologist, Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys. Anchorage, AK
November 2022-March 2023, Petroleum Geologist, Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil and Gas. Anchorage, AK
2020-2022, Research Geologist (Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellow), United States Geological Survey, Reston, VA
2020-Present, Associate Editor, Journal of Coastal Research
2018, Sedimentologist, University of Bremen (MARUM) Research Cruise SO260
2008-2015, Geologist, ConocoPhillips. Houston, TX and Anchorage, AK
Teaching and Research Assistant
2016-2020, Coastal Carolina University, Marine Science and Coastal and Marine Geological Processes
2006-2008, Northern Arizona University, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, Geologic Hazards, and Geology of Arizona
2004, University of Maryland, College Park, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
2005, University of Wyoming, Geologic Field Mapping (position by invitation)
Selected Publications
- Long, J.H., Hanebuth, T.J.J., Durica, J.T., and Hawkes, A.D., 2024, Late Holocene stratigraphy and sedimentary facies distribution of an anthropogenically modified delta plain (Santee River Delta, South Carolina, U.S.A.): Journal of Coastal Research, v. 40, no. 4, p. 623-646.
- Houseknecht, D.W., Mercier, T.J., Schenk, C.J., Moore, T.E., Rouse, W.A., Dumoulin, J.A., Craddock, W.H., Lease, R.O., Botterell, P.J., Sanders, M.M., Smith, R.A., Connors, C.D., Garrity, C.P., Whidden, K.J., Gooley, J.T., Counts, J.W., Long, J.H., and DeVera, C.A., 2021, Assessment of undiscovered gas resources in Upper Devonian to Lower Cretaceous strata of the western North Slope, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2021-3003, 4 p.
- Long, J.H., Hanebuth, T.J.J., Alexander, C.R., and Wehmiller, J.F., 2021, Depositional environments and stratigraphy of Quaternary paleochannel systems offshore of the Georgia Bight, southeastern U.S.A.: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 37, no. 5, p. 883-905.
- Alexander, C., Venherm, C., and Long, J.H., 2020, Hurricane Sandy coastal recovery and resiliency - Resource identification, delineation and management practices: Georgia Cooperative Agreement. Geospatial sand resource assessment for Georgia coastal recovery and resiliency - Phase II: Final Technical Report to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Washington, DC, 83 p.
- Long, J.H., Hanebuth, T.J.J., and Lüdmann, T., 2020, The Quaternary stratigraphic architecture of a low-accommodation, passive margin continental shelf (Santee Delta Region, South Carolina, U.S.A.): Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 90, no. 11, p. 1549-1571.
- Kasten, S., Schwenk, T., Aromokeye, D., Baques, M., Baumann, K.-H., Bergenthal, M., Bösche, J., Bozzano, G., Brune, R., Bülten, J., Chiessi, C.M., Coffinet, S., Crivellari, S., Dehning, K., Dohrmann, I., Dröllner, M., Düßmann, R., Durica, J.T., Frederichs, T., Garcia Chapori, N., Gonzalez, L., Hanebuth, T.J.J., Hilgenfeldt, C., Hüttich, D., Jones, C.K., Klann, M., Klar, S., Klein, T., Kockisch, B., Köster, M., Lantzsch, H., Linowski, E., Long, J.H., Melcher, A.-C., Ogunleye, O.J., Pereyra, N., Rehage, R., Riedinger, N., Rosiak, U., Schmidt, W., Schnakenberg, A., Spieß, V., Steinmann, L., Thieblemont, A., Volz, J., Warnke, F., Warratz, G., Wenau, S., and Zonneveld, K.A.F., 2019, Dynamics of sedimentation processes and their impact on biogeochemical reactions on the continental slope off Argentina and Uruguay (MARUM): Final Report, Cruise No. SO260/Leg 1 & Leg 2, 195 p.
- Luciano, K., Howard, C.S., Wehmiller, J.F., Alexander, C.A., Long, J.H., Harris, M.S., Corbett, D.R., Conery, I., Mallinson, D., and Barbeau, D., 2019, Sedimentary petrology and geological framework investigations in the southeastern U.S. Outer Continental Shelf: Final Report of Findings: Announcement M14AC00012, Prepared for the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, 34 p.
- Morris, W.R., and Long, J.H., 2012, Lower 48 Rockies field seminar guidebook and seminar co-leader: Lower 48 Unconventional Exploration Rocky Mountain Field Trip: ConocoPhillips internal field seminar.
Selected Presentations
- Long, J.H., Houseknecht, D.W., Gooley, J.T., Lease, R.O., and Connors, C.D., 2024, Canyons, valleys, scarps, and unconformities: The Simpson Canyon System and other large erosional elements in Brookian strata along Alaska's arctic margin (presentation): Alaska Geological Society, April 29, 2024.
- Long, J.H., Houseknecht, D.W., Helmold, K.P., and Smith, R.S., 2022, Depositional systems of the Upper Cretaceous Tuluvak Formation in eastern NPR-A and the central North Slope (oral and poster presentations): Alaska Geological Society Technical Conference, Fairbanks, AK, 23 April 2022.
- Long, J.H., 2021, Sedimentology and stratigraphic architecture of the Upper Cretaceous Tuluvak Formation, central North Slope of Alaska (invited oral presentation): University of Alaska, Anchorage Seminar Series.
- Long, J.H., and Middleton, L.T., 2007, The nature of fluvial-aeolian transitions within the Kayenta Formation (poster): Geologic Society of America Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, May 2007.
- Long, J.H., and Friedman, S.J., 2004, Variations in fluvial style within Mesozoic rift basins, eastern United States (presentation): Geologic Society of America Northeastern Section Meeting, March 2004.