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Tsunami Source Data Catalog

The listed tsunami source earthquake and landslide models are developed for hazard assessments of at-risk coastal communities throughout Alaska and indexed by the community names and the publications in which they are utilized.

The comprehensive publication of all models can be found here.

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Publication Community Name(s) Scenario Number/Model Name Case ID
RI 2010-1 Seward, Resurrection Bay Scenario 1: Repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, SDM (Suito and Freymueller, 2009, in review) 195
RI 2010-1 Seward, Resurrection Bay Scenario 2: Modified 1964 event: Prince William Sound asperity of the SDM (Suito and Freymueller, 2009) 197
RI 2010-1 Seward, Resurrection Bay Scenario 3: Rupture of the Kodiak Island asperity of the repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, SDM (Suito and Freymueller, 2009, in review) 196
RI 2010-1 Seward, Resurrection Bay Scenario 4: Rupture of the Pamplona zone between the Yakutat block and North American Plate (hypothetical event) 131
RI 2010-1 Seward, Resurrection Bay Scenario 5: Three major underwater slide complexes of the 1964 earthquake - Seward downtown slide, Lowell Point slide, and Fourth of July slide
RI 2010-1 Seward, Resurrection Bay Scenario 6: Simultaneous underwater slope failures at four locations where sediment accumulated since 1964
RI 2010-1 Seward, Resurrection Bay Scenario 7: Simultaneous underwater slope failures at four locations where sediment accumulated since 1964, with added sediment volumes
RI 2011-7 Whittier, Passage Canal Scenario 1: Repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, JDM (Johnson et al., 1996) 408
RI 2011-7 Whittier, Passage Canal Scenario 2: Repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, SDM (Suito and Freymueller, 2009) 409
RI 2011-7 Whittier, Passage Canal Scenario 3: Multi-segment event based on the repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, JDM (Johnson et al., 1996) 411
RI 2011-7 Whittier, Passage Canal Scenario 4: Multi-segment event based on the repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, SDM (Suito and Freymueller, 2009, in review) 465
RI 2011-7 Whittier, Passage Canal Scenario 5: Earthquake in the Cascadia subduction zone along the British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and northern California shore (Geological Survey of Canada, K. Wang, written commun., 2010) 458
RI 2011-7 Whittier, Passage Canal Scenario 6: Rupture of the Prince William Sound asperity of the repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, JDM (Johnson et al., 1996) 416
RI 2011-7 Whittier, Passage Canal Scenario 7: Rupture of the Kodiak Island asperity of the repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, JDM (Johnson et al., 1996) 414
RI 2011-7 Whittier, Passage Canal Scenario 8: Rupture of the Prince William Sound asperity of the SDM (Suito and Freymueller, 2009) 413
RI 2011-7 Whittier, Passage Canal Scenario 9: Rupture of the Kodiak Island asperity of the SDM (Suito and Freymueller, 2009) 412
RI 2011-7 Whittier, Passage Canal Scenario 10: Repeat of the 1964 event: Major underwater slide complexes of the 1964 earthquake--Harbor, Airport, and Glacier (HAG) landslides
RI 2011-7 Whittier, Passage Canal Scenario 11: Major underwater slide complex offshore of the northern shore of Passage Canal (hypothetical event)
RI 2011-7 Whittier, Passage Canal Scenario 12: Major underwater slide complex offshore of the Billings Creek delta (hypothetical event)
RI 2011-7 Whittier, Passage Canal Scenario 13: Simultaneous failure of underwater slide complexes described by scenarios 10-12 (hypothetical event)
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 1: Repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, JDM (Johnson et al., 1996) 836
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 2: Repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, SDM (Suito and Freymueller, 2009) 826
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 3: Multi-segment event based on the repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, JDM (Johnson et al., 1996) 840
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 4: Multi-segment event based on the repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, SDM (Suito and Freymueller, 2009, in review) 829
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 5: Rupture of the Yakutat-Yakataga segment of the Aleutian megathrust (hypothetical event) 839
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 6: Earthquake in the Cascadia subduction zone along the British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and northern California shore (Geological Survey of Canada, K. Wang, written commun., 2010) 833
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 7: Rupture of the Prince William Sound asperity of the repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, JDM (Johnson et al., 1996) 834
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 8: Rupture of the Kodiak Island asperity of the repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, JDM (Johnson et al., 1996) 841
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 9: Rupture of the Prince William Sound asperity of the SDM (Suito and Freymueller, 2009) 831
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 10: Rupture of the Kodiak Island asperity of the SDM (Suito and Freymueller, 2009) 828
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 11: Modified multi-segment event: Rupture of the Prince William Sound and Yakutat-Yakataga segments of the repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, JDM (Johnson et al., 1996) 838
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 12: Modified multi-segment event: Rupture of the Prince William Sound and Yakutat-Yakataga segments of the repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, SDM (Suito and Freymueller, 2009, in review) 837
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 13: Mw8.8 earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska region: 17-30 km, uniform slip along strike (hypothetical event) 995
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 14: Mw8.8 earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska region: 13-28 km, variable slip along strike (hypothetical event) 996
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 15: Mw8.8 earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska region: 12-29 km, variable slip along strike (hypothetical event) 997
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 16: Repeat of the 1964-type event: An underwater slide at the head of Port Valdez - HPV slide
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 17: Repeat of the 1964-type event: An underwater slide at Shoup Bay moraine - SBM slide
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 18: Underwater slide offshore of Mineral Creek - MC slide (hypothetical event)
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 19: Underwater slide offshore of Gold Creek - GC slide (hypothetical event)
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 20: Underwater slide offshore of Lowe River - LR slide (hypothetical event)
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 21: Underwater slide at Shoup Bay moraine - SBM residual slide (hypothetical event)
RI 2013-1 Valdez Scenario 22: Simultaneous failure of Mineral Creek, Gold Creek, Lowe River, Shoup Bay moraine underwater slides (hypothetical event)
RI 2013-3 Sitka Scenario 1: Multi-segment event based on the repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, JDM (Johnson et al., 1996) 991
RI 2013-3 Sitka Scenario 2: Multi-segment event based on the repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, SDM (Suito and Freymueller, 2009, in review) 905
RI 2013-3 Sitka Scenario 3: Multi-segment JDM event: The PWS and KP segments of the 1964 rupture, and the YY segment (hypothetical event) 847
RI 2013-3 Sitka Scenario 4: Multi-segment SDM event: The PWS and KP segments of the 1964 rupture, and the YY segment (hypothetical event) 906
RI 2013-3 Sitka Scenario 5: Multi-segment event: the Tohoku-type rupture of the PWS, KP and KI segments (hypothetical event) 988
RI 2013-3 Sitka Scenario 6: The SAFRR tsunami scenario (SEM and SH segments) (Ross and others, 2013) 852
RI 2013-3 Sitka Scenario 7: Rupture in the Eastern Aleutians, from Semidi Islands to Fox Islands (SEM, SH, UN and FOX segments) (hypothetical event) 984
RI 2013-3 Sitka Scenario 8: Earthquake in the Cascadia subduction zone along the British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and northern California shore (Geological Survey of Canada, K. Wang, written commun., 2010) 846
RI 2013-3 Sitka Scenario 9: Mw8.2 thrust earthquake in the Haida Gwaii area (hypothetical event) 985
RI 2014-1 Cordova, Tatitlek Scenario 1: Repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, JDM (Johnson et al., 1996) 1034
RI 2014-1 Cordova, Tatitlek Scenario 2: Repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, SDM (Suito and Freymueller, 2009, in review) 1035
RI 2014-1 Cordova, Tatitlek Scenario 3: Multi-segment event based on the repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, JDM (Johnson et al., 1996) 1038
RI 2014-1 Cordova, Tatitlek Scenario 4: Multi-segment event based on the repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, SDM (Suito and Freymueller, 2009, in review) 1039
RI 2014-1 Cordova, Tatitlek Scenario 5: Rupture of the Yakutat-Yakataga segment of the Aleutian megathrust (hypothetical event) 1040
RI 2014-1 Cordova, Tatitlek Scenario 6: Earthquake in the Cascadia subduction zone along the British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and northern California shore (Geological Survey of Canada, K. Wang, written commun., 2010) 1041
RI 2014-1 Cordova, Tatitlek Scenario 7: Mw8.8 earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska region, based on case A of the slip distribution: 4-18 km depth, uniform slip along strike (hypothetical event) 1045
RI 2014-1 Cordova, Tatitlek Scenario 8: Mw8.8 earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska region, based on case C of the slip distribution: 12-30 km depth, uniform slip along strike (hypothetical event) 1047
RI 2014-1 Cordova, Tatitlek Scenario 9: Mw8.8 earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska region, based on case D of the slip distribution: 4-18 km depth, variable slip along strike (hypothetical event) 1044
RI 2014-1 Cordova, Tatitlek Scenario 10: Mw8.8 earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska region, based on case F of the slip distribution: 12-30 km depth, variable slip along strike (hypothetical event) 1046
RI 2014-1 Cordova, Tatitlek Scenario 11: Mw9.0 earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska region: 4-18 km depth, uniform slip along strike 1050
RI 2014-1 Cordova, Tatitlek Scenario 12: Mw9.0 earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska region: 4-18 km depth, variable slip along strike 1051
RI 2014-1 Cordova, Tatitlek Scenario 13: Mw8.8 earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska region: 12-28 km to 17-30 km depth, uniform slip along strike 1048
RI 2014-1 Cordova, Tatitlek Scenario 14: Malaspina-Pamplona system (Elliott, 2011) 1042
RI 2014-1 Cordova, Tatitlek Scenario 15: Yakataga-Chaix Hills system (Elliott, 2011) 1043
RI 2014-3 Chenega Bay, Sawmill Bay Scenario 1: Earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska region, repeat of the 1964 event, PDM (Plafker, 1969) HorzDisp model
RI 2014-3 Chenega Bay, Sawmill Bay Scenario 2: Repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, JDM (Johnson et al., 1996) HorzDisp model
RI 2014-3 Chenega Bay, Sawmill Bay Scenario 3: Repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, SDM (Suito and Freymueller, 2009, in review) HorzDisp model
RI 2014-3 Chenega Bay, Sawmill Bay Scenario 4: Multi-segment event based on the repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, JDM (Johnson et al., 1996) HorzDisp model
RI 2014-3 Chenega Bay, Sawmill Bay Scenario 5: Repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, SDM (Suito and Freymueller, 2009) HorzDisp model
RI 2014-3 Chenega Bay, Sawmill Bay Scenario 6: Rupture of the Yakutat-Yakataga segment of the Aleutian megathrust (hypothetical event) HorzDisp model
RI 2014-3 Chenega Bay, Sawmill Bay Scenario 7: Rupture of the Kodiak Island asperity of the repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, JDM (Johnson et al., 1996) HorzDisp model
RI 2014-3 Chenega Bay, Sawmill Bay Scenario 8: Rupture of the Kodiak Island asperity of the repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, SDM (Suito and Freymueller, 2009, in review) HorzDisp model
RI 2014-3 Chenega Bay, Sawmill Bay Scenario 9: Earthquake in the Cascadia subduction zone along the British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and northern California shore (Geological Survey of Canada, K. Wang, written commun., 2010) HorzDisp model
RI 2014-3 Chenega Bay, Sawmill Bay Scenario 10: Mw9.0 earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska region: 4-18 km depth, variable slip along strike HorzDisp model
RI 2015-1 Elfin Cove, Gustavus, Hoonah Scenario 1: Multi-segment event based on the repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, JDM (Johnson et al., 1996) 1243
RI 2015-1 Elfin Cove, Gustavus, Hoonah Scenario 2: Multi-segment event: the Tohoku-type rupture of the PWS, KP and KI segments (hypothetical event) 1276
RI 2015-1 Elfin Cove, Gustavus, Hoonah Scenario 3: Mw8.8 earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska region, based on case D of the slip distribution: 4-18 km depth, variable slip along strike (hypothetical event) 1197
RI 2015-1 Elfin Cove, Gustavus, Hoonah Scenario 4: Mw8.8 earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska region, based on case A of the slip distribution: 4-18 km depth, uniform slip along strike (hypothetical event) 1198
RI 2015-1 Elfin Cove, Gustavus, Hoonah Scenario 5: The SAFRR tsunami scenario (SEM and SH segments) (Ross and others, 2013) 1244
RI 2015-1 Elfin Cove, Gustavus, Hoonah Scenario 6: Rupture in the Eastern Aleutians, from Semidi Islands to Fox Islands (SEM, SH, UN and FOX segments) (hypothetical event) 1245
RI 2015-1 Elfin Cove, Gustavus, Hoonah Scenario 7: Earthquake in the Cascadia subduction zone along the British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and northern California shore (Geological Survey of Canada, K. Wang, written commun., 2010) 1196
RI 2015-1 Elfin Cove, Gustavus, Hoonah Scenario 8: Underwater slide in Taylor Bay
RI 2015-1 Elfin Cove, Gustavus, Hoonah Scenario 9: Subaerial rockslide in Tidal Inlet
RI 2015-1 Elfin Cove, Gustavus, Hoonah Scenario 10: Underwater slide in Port Frederick
RI 2015-5 Fox Islands, Dutch Harbor, Akutan, Unalaska Scenario 1: Mw9.1 earthquake, Fox Islands region 1263; 1253
RI 2015-5 Fox Islands, Dutch Harbor, Akutan, Unalaska Scenario 2: Mw9.0 earthquake, Fox Islands region 1264; 1254
RI 2015-5 Fox Islands, Dutch Harbor, Akutan, Unalaska Scenario 3: Mw8.8 earthquake, Fox Islands region 1265; 1255
RI 2015-5 Fox Islands, Dutch Harbor, Akutan, Unalaska Scenario 4: The SAFRR tsunami scenario (SEM and SH segments) (Ross and others, 2013) 1268; 1258
RI 2015-5 Fox Islands, Dutch Harbor, Akutan, Unalaska Scenario 5: Mw9.0 SAFRR-type earthquake, Fox Islands region 1259
RI 2015-5 Fox Islands, Dutch Harbor, Akutan, Unalaska Scenario 6: Mw9.0 SAFRR-type earthquake, Krenitzin Island region 1266; 1256
RI 2015-5 Fox Islands, Dutch Harbor, Akutan, Unalaska Scenario 7: Mw9.2 East Aleutian earthquake 1581
RI 2015-5 Fox Islands, Dutch Harbor, Akutan, Unalaska Scenario 8: Mw9.25 East Aleutian earthquake 1589
RI 2015-5 Fox Islands, Dutch Harbor, Akutan, Unalaska Scenario 9: Earthquake in the Cascadia subduction zone along the British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and northern California shore (Geological Survey of Canada, K. Wang, written commun., 2010) 1258
RI 2015-5 Fox Islands, Dutch Harbor, Akutan, Unalaska Scenario 10: Mw8.6 outer-rise earthquake, Fox Islands region 1260
RI 2016-1 King Cove, Cold Bay Scenario 1: Mw9.1 earthquake in western Alaska Peninsula region: Two asperities and trench 1622
RI 2016-1 King Cove, Cold Bay Scenario 2: Mw9.1 earthquake in western Alaska Peninsula region: Two asperities, weakly connected 1652
RI 2016-1 King Cove, Cold Bay Scenario 3: Mw8.9 earthquake in western Alaska Peninsula region: Eastern asperity and trench 1640
RI 2016-1 King Cove, Cold Bay Scenario 4: Mw9.0 earthquake in western Alaska Peninsula region: Western asperity and trench 1623
RI 2016-1 King Cove, Cold Bay Scenario 5: Mw8.6 earthquake in western Alaska Peninsula region: Eastern asperity only 1653
RI 2016-1 King Cove, Cold Bay Scenario 6: Mw8.3 earthquake in western Alaska Peninsula region: Western asperity only 1654
RI 2016-1 King Cove, Cold Bay Scenario 7: Mw8.9 earthquake in western Alaska Peninsula region: Gap-filling event 1627
RI 2016-1 King Cove, Cold Bay Scenario 8: Mw9.0 earthquake in western Alaska Peninsula region: Predominantly shallow slip in the western part of the rupture 1620
RI 2016-1 King Cove, Cold Bay Scenario 9: Mw9.1 earthquake in western Alaska Peninsula region: Predominantly shallow slip in the eastern part of the rupture 1628
RI 2016-1 King Cove, Cold Bay Scenario 10: Mw9.2 earthquake in the western Alaska Peninsula region 1592
RI 2016-1 King Cove, Cold Bay Scenario 11: Mw9.3 earthquake in the western Alaska Peninsula region 1613
RI 2016-1 King Cove, Cold Bay Scenario 12: The SAFRR tsunami scenario (SEM and SH segments) (Ross and others, 2013) 1569
RI 2016-1 King Cove, Cold Bay Scenario 13: Mw9.0 earthquake in the western Alaska Peninsula region: SAFRR-type event 1591
RI 2016-1 King Cove, Cold Bay Scenario 14: Rupture in the Eastern Aleutians, from Semidi Islands to Fox Islands (SEM, SH, UN and FOX segments) (hypothetical event) 1590
RI 2016-1 King Cove, Cold Bay Scenario 15: Mw8.6 outer-rise earthquake in western Alaska Peninsula region 1626
RI 2016-1 King Cove, Cold Bay Scenario 16: Earthquake in the Cascadia subduction zone along the British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and northern California shore (Geological Survey of Canada, K. Wang, written commun., 2010) 1572
RI 2016-2 Yakutat Scenario 1: Multi-segment event based on the repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, JDM (Johnson et al., 1996) 1369
RI 2016-2 Yakutat Scenario 2: Multi-segment event based on the repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, SDM (Suito and Freymueller, 2009, in review) 1370
RI 2016-2 Yakutat Scenario 3: Multi-segment event: the Tohoku-type rupture of the PWS, KP and KI segments (hypothetical event) 1363
RI 2016-2 Yakutat Scenario 4: Multi-segment event: the Tohoku-type rupture of the PWS, KP, KI, and YY segments (hypothetical event) 1371
RI 2016-2 Yakutat Scenario 5: Mw9.0 earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska region: 4-18 km depth, uniform slip along strike 1368
RI 2016-2 Yakutat Scenario 6: Mw9.0 earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska region: 4-18 km depth, variable slip along strike 1367
RI 2016-2 Yakutat Scenario 7: The SAFRR tsunami scenario (SEM and SH segments) (Ross and others, 2013) 1364
RI 2016-2 Yakutat Scenario 8: The Otmeloi fault rupture (hypothetical event) 1313
RI 2016-2 Yakutat Scenario 9: The Yakutat fault rupture (hypothetical event) 1321
RI 2016-2 Yakutat Scenario 10: A model of the 1899 Yakutat Bay earthquake (Plafker, 2008) 1316
RI 2016-7 Nikolski Scenario 1: Mw9.1 earthquake in the Fox Islands region, based on hypothetical cases C and D 1638
RI 2016-7 Nikolski Scenario 2: Mw9.1 earthquake in the Fox Islands region, based on hypothetical cases D and E 1637
RI 2016-7 Nikolski Scenario 3: Mw9.1 earthquake in the Fox Islands region, based on hypothetical case C 1646
RI 2016-7 Nikolski Scenario 4: The SAFRR tsunami scenario (SEM and SH segments) (Ross and others, 2013) 1651
RI 2016-7 Nikolski Scenario 5: Mw9.0 SAFRR-type earthquake in the Samalga Pass region 1650
RI 2016-7 Nikolski Scenario 6: Mw9.2 East Aleutian earthquake 1635
RI 2016-7 Nikolski Scenario 7: Mw9.25 East Aleutian earthquake 1639
RI 2016-7 Nikolski Scenario 8: Mw9.1 earthquake, Fox Islands region 1455
RI 2016-7 Nikolski Scenario 9: Earthquake in the Cascadia subduction zone along the British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and northern California shore (Geological Survey of Canada, K. Wang, written commun., 2010) 1457
RI 2016-7 Nikolski Scenario 10: Mw8.6 outer-rise earthquake in the Umnak Island region 1456
RI 2016-8 Chignik, Chignik Lagoon Scenario 1: Mw8.9 earthquake along Alaska Peninsula, 30 km depth 1672
RI 2016-8 Chignik, Chignik Lagoon Scenario 2: Mw8.9 earthquake along Alaska Peninsula, 25 km depth 1673
RI 2016-8 Chignik, Chignik Lagoon Scenario 3: Mw8.9 earthquake along Alaska Peninsula, 35 km depth 1674
RI 2016-8 Chignik, Chignik Lagoon Scenario 4: Mw9.0 earthquake along Alaska Peninsula, 10 km depth 1677
RI 2016-8 Chignik, Chignik Lagoon Scenario 5: Mw9.0 earthquake along Alaska Peninsula, 13 km depth 1670
RI 2016-8 Chignik, Chignik Lagoon Scenario 6: Mw9.0 earthquake along Alaska Peninsula, 17 km depth 1671
RI 2016-8 Chignik, Chignik Lagoon Scenario 7: The SAFRR tsunami scenario (SEM and SH segments) (Ross and others, 2013) 1452
RI 2016-8 Chignik, Chignik Lagoon Scenario 8: Mw9.2 Alaska Peninsula earthquake 1678
RI 2016-8 Chignik, Chignik Lagoon Scenario 9: Mw9.25 Alaska Peninsula earthquake 1679
RI 2016-8 Chignik, Chignik Lagoon Scenario 10: Earthquake in the Cascadia subduction zone along the British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and northern California shore (Geological Survey of Canada, K. Wang, written commun., 2010) 1453
RI 2016-8 Chignik, Chignik Lagoon Scenario 11: Mw8.6 outer-rise earthquake along the Alaska Peninsula 1454; 1680
RI 2017-3 Sand Point Scenario 1: Mw8.8 earthquake, Shumagin Islands region based on cases C, D, and the Simeonof segment 1388
RI 2017-3 Sand Point Scenario 2: Mw8.85 earthquake, Shumagin Islands region based on cases B, C, D, and the Simeonof segment 1389
RI 2017-3 Sand Point Scenario 3: Mw8.85 earthquake, Shumagin Islands region based on cases C, D, E, and the Simeonof segment 1391
RI 2017-3 Sand Point Scenario 4: Mw8.9 earthquake, Shumagin Islands region based on cases B, C, D, E, and the Simeonof segment 1390
RI 2017-3 Sand Point Scenario 5: Mw8.9 earthquake, Shumagin Islands area based on cases C, D, E, Simeonof and near-trench segment 1387
RI 2017-3 Sand Point Scenario 6: Mw8.95 earthquake, Shumagin Islands area based on cases B C D E, Simeonof and near-trench segment 1386
RI 2017-3 Sand Point Scenario 7: The SAFRR tsunami scenario (SEM and SH segments) (Ross and others, 2013) 1392
RI 2017-3 Sand Point Scenario 8: Earthquake in the Cascadia subduction zone along the British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and northern California shore (Geological Survey of Canada, K. Wang, written commun., 2010) 1393
RI 2017-3 Sand Point Scenario 9: Mw8.6 outer rise earthquake in the Shumagin Islands region 1394
RI 2017-8 Kodiak Scenario 1: Repeat of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake, JDM (Johnson et al., 1996) 1868
RI 2017-8 Kodiak Scenario 2: Mw9.1 earthquake in the area of Kodiak Island, 10 km depth 1862
RI 2017-8 Kodiak Scenario 3: Mw9.0 earthquake in the area of Kodiak Island, 15 km depth 1865
RI 2017-8 Kodiak Scenario 4: Mw9.0 earthquake in the area of Kodiak Island, 20 km depth 1864
RI 2017-8 Kodiak Scenario 5: Mw9.0 earthquake in the area of Kodiak Island, 25 km depth 1863
RI 2017-8 Kodiak Scenario 6: Mw9.1 earthquake in the area of Kodiak Island, 15-25 km depth 1869
RI 2017-8 Kodiak Scenario 7: Mw9.1 earthquake in the area of Kodiak Island with a splay fault, 15-25 km depth 1870
RI 2017-8 Kodiak Scenario 8: Mw9.2 earthquake in the area of Kodiak Island with 44 m of maximum slip 1871
RI 2017-8 Kodiak Scenario 9: Mw9.25 earthquake in the area of Kodiak Island with 50 m of maximum slip 1873
RI 2017-8 Kodiak Scenario 10: Earthquake in the Cascadia subduction zone along the British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and northern California shore (Geological Survey of Canada, K. Wang, written commun., 2010) 1886
RI 2017-9 Juneau Scenario 1: Repeat of the 1964 Mw 9.2 Alaska Earthquake 2000, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2011
RI 2017-9 Juneau Scenario 2: Earthquake modeling extension of the 1964 rupture to the YY segment 1787, 1799
RI 2017-9 Juneau Scenario 3: Multi-segment event: the Tohoku-type rupture of the PWS, KP and KI segments (hypothetical event) 1783, 1795
RI 2017-9 Juneau Scenario 4: Multi-segment event: the Tohoku-type rupture of the PWS, KP, KI, and YY segments (hypothetical event) 2015, 1798
RI 2017-9 Juneau Scenario 5: Mw8.8 earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska region, based on case A of the slip distribution: 4-18 km depth, uniform slip along strike (hypothetical event) 1785, 1797
RI 2017-9 Juneau Scenario 6: The SAFRR tsunami scenario (SEM and SH segments) (Ross and others, 2013) 1784, 1796
RI 2017-9 Juneau Scenario 7: Earthquake in the Cascadia subduction zone along the British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and northern California shore (Geological Survey of Canada, K. Wang, written commun., 2010) 1788, 1800
RI 2017-9 Juneau Scenario 8: An underwater slide at the head of Fritz Cove (FC slide)
RI 2017-9 Juneau Scenario 9: An underwater slide offshore of Eagle River (ER slide)
RI 2017-9 Juneau Scenario 10: An underwater slide at the head of Berners Bay (BB slide)
RI 2017-9 Juneau Scenario 11: An underwater slide offshore of Sheep Creek (SC slide)
RI 2017-9 Juneau Scenario 12: An underwater slide at South Franklin Street (SFS slide)
RI 2017-9 Juneau Scenario 13: An underwater slide in Taku Inlet (TI slide)
RI 2023-2 Anchorage Scenario 1: Mw9.2 earthquake in the KI-KP region: Predominantly shallow slip with maximum slip at depth 10-15 km 2549
RI 2023-2 Anchorage Scenario 2: Mw9.2 earthquake in the KI-KP region: Predominantly shallow slip with maximum slip at depth 0-10 km 2550
RI 2023-2 Anchorage Scenario 3: Mw8.7 earthquake in the KP region: maximum slip at a depth of 35-45 km 2539
RI 2023-2 Anchorage Scenario 4: Mw8.8 earthquake in the KP region: maximum slip at a depth of 28-42 km 2538
RI 2023-2 Anchorage Scenario 5: Mw8.8 earthquake in the KP region: maximum slip at a depth of 5-7 km 2545
RI 2023-2 Anchorage Scenario 6: Mw9.0 earthquake in the PWS-KP-KI region: maximum slip at a depth of 28-42 km 2548
RI 2023-2 Anchorage Scenario 7: Mw9.1 earthquake in the PWS-KP-KI region: maximum slip at a depth of 25-35 km 2553
RI 2023-2 Anchorage Scenario 8: Mw9.1 earthquake in the PWS-KP-KI region: maximum slip at a depth of 18-32 km 2552
RI 2023-2 Anchorage Scenario 9: Mw9.2 earthquake in the PWS-KP-KI region: maximum slip at a depth of 17-32 km 2554
RI 2023-2 Anchorage Scenario 10: Mw9.1 earthquake in the PWS-KP-KI region: maximum slip at a depth of 20-40 km 2555
RI 2023-2 Anchorage Scenario 11: Mw9.3 earthquake in the PWS-KP-KI region: 50 m of maximum slip close to the trench 2528
RI 2023-2 Anchorage Scenario 12: Mw9.3 earthquake in the PWS-KP-KI region: 35 m of maximum slip across the majority of the rupture 2529
RI 2023-2 Anchorage Scenario 13: The SAFRR tsunami scenario (SEM and SH segments) (Ross and others, 2013) 2537
RI 2023-2 Anchorage Scenario 14: Mw8.9 earthquake in the KI-AP region: maximum slip at a depth of 15-25 km 2533
RI 2023-2 Anchorage Scenario 15: Mw8.8 earthquake in the KI-AP region: maximum slip at a depth of 25-35 km 2532
RI 2023-2 Anchorage Scenario 16: Earthquake in the Cascadia subduction zone along the British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and northern California shore (Geological Survey of Canada, K. Wang, written commun., 2010) 2536
RI 2024-4 Lower Cook Inlet Scenario 1: Mw9.2 earthquake in the KI-KP region: Predominantly shallow slip with maximum slip at depth 10-15 km 2677
RI 2024-4 Lower Cook Inlet Scenario 2: Mw9.2 earthquake in the KI-KP region: Predominantly shallow slip with maximum slip at depth 0-10 km 2678
RI 2024-4 Lower Cook Inlet Scenario 3: Mw9.1 earthquake in the PWS-KP-KI region: maximum slip at a depth of 18-32 km 2664
RI 2024-4 Lower Cook Inlet Scenario 4: Mw9.1 earthquake in the PWS-KP-KI region: maximum slip at a depth of 25-35 km 2665
RI 2024-4 Lower Cook Inlet Scenario 5: Mw9.0 earthquake in the PWS-KP-KI region: maximum slip at a depth of 28-42 km 2666
RI 2024-4 Lower Cook Inlet Scenario 6: Mw9.2 earthquake in the PWS-KP-KI region: maximum slip at a depth of 17-32 km 2668
RI 2024-4 Lower Cook Inlet Scenario 7: Mw9.1 earthquake in the PWS-KP-KI region: maximum slip at a depth of 20-40 km 2683
RI 2024-4 Lower Cook Inlet Scenario 8: Mw9.1 earthquake in the PWS-KP-KI region: maximum slip at a depth of 17-42 km 2669
RI 2024-4 Lower Cook Inlet Scenario 9: Mw8.8 earthquake in the PWS-KP-KI region: maximum slip at a depth of 32-38 km 2679
RI 2024-4 Lower Cook Inlet Scenario 10: Mw8.9 earthquake in the PWS-KP-KI region: maximum slip at a depth of 27-32 km 2670
RI 2024-4 Lower Cook Inlet Scenario 11: Mw8.9 earthquake in the KI-AP region: maximum slip at a depth of 15-25 km 2672
RI 2024-4 Lower Cook Inlet Scenario 12: Mw8.8 earthquake in the KI-AP region: maximum slip at a depth of 25-35 km 2684
RI 2024-4 Lower Cook Inlet Scenario 13: The SAFRR tsunami scenario (SEM and SH segments) (Ross and others, 2013) 2674
RI 2024-4 Lower Cook Inlet Scenario 14: Mw9.3 earthquake in the PWS-KP-KI region: 50 m of maximum slip close to the trench 2675
RI 2024-4 Lower Cook Inlet Scenario 15: Mw9.3 earthquake in the PWS-KP-KI region: 35 m of maximum slip across the majority of the rupture 2687
RI 2024-4 Lower Cook Inlet Scenario 16: Earthquake in the Cascadia subduction zone along the British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and northern California shore (Geological Survey of Canada, K. Wang, written commun., 2010) 2671
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