A guide to the late Quaternary history of northern and western Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Reger, R.D., Sturmann, A.G., Berg, E.E., and Burns, P.A.C.
Publication Date:
Dec 2007
Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys
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Kenai; Seldovia; Seward
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Bibliographic Reference
Reger, R.D., Sturmann, A.G., Berg, E.E., and Burns, P.A.C., 2007, A guide to the late Quaternary history of northern and western Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Guidebook 8, 112 p., 6 sheets, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/15941
Publication Products
Report Information
Maps & Other Oversized Sheets
- Sheet 1, Paleogeographic map of Skilak Lake-Hidden Lake area, northeastern Kenai Pensinsula lowland, Alaska, scale 1:63,360 (16.0 M)
- Sheet 2, Paleogeographic map of Sterling-Skilak Lake area, northcentral Kenai Pensinsula lowland, Alaska, scale 1:63,360 (16.0 M)
- Sheet 3, Paleogeographic map of Kenai-Soldotna-Kasilof area, westcentral Kenai Pensinsula lowland, Alaska, scale 1:63,360 (27.0 M)
- Sheet 4, Paleogeographic map of Kenai-Nikiski area northwestern Kenai Pensinsula lowland, Alaska, scale 1:63,360 (23.0 M)
- Sheet 5, Paleogeographic map of Kasilof-Clam Gulch area, westcentral Kenai Pensinsula lowland, Alaska, scale 1:63,360 (12.0 M)
- Sheet 6, Paleogeographic map of Anchor Point-Homer area, southwestern Kenai Pensinsula lowland, Alaska, scale 1:63,360 (22.0 M)
Geospatial & Analytical Data
Alluvial Deposits; Beluga Formation; Bootlegger Cove Formation; Climate Change; Coastal and River; Coastal and River Hazards; Coastal Erosion; Cook Inlet; Earthquake; Elmendorf Stade; Erosion; Geologic Hazards; Geology; Geomorphology; Glacial Deposits; Glacial Drift; Glacial Geology; Glaciation; Gravel; Hazards; Holocene; Homer; Ice; Ice Contact Deposits; Ice-Contact; Kenai Peninsula; Kenai Spur Highway; Killey Stade; Lethe Tephra; Meltwater; Moosehorn Stade; Outwash; Pleistocene; Quaternary; Radiocarbon Dating; Seward Highway; Skilak Stade; Sterling Formation; Sterling Highway; Surficial; Surficial Geology; Tephra; Tephrochronology; Terrace; Tsunami; Vegetation; Volcanoes
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