Newberry, R.J., Bundtzen, T.K., Clautice, K.H., Combellick, R.A., Douglas, Tom, Laird, G.M., Liss, S.A., Pinney, D.S., Reifenstuhl, R.R., and Solie, D.N., 1996, Preliminary geologic map of the Fairbanks mining district, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 96-16, 17 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:63,360.
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Ace Creek; Ace Lake; Age Dates; Alder Creek; All Gold Creek; Allen Creek; Alluvial Deposits; Antimony; Any Creek; Approach Hill; Ar-Ar; Babe Creek; Baldry Creek; Ballaine Lake; Barnes Creek; Basalt; Bear Creek; Beckman Creek; Bedrock; Bedrock Creek; Bedrock Geology; Belle Creek; Bellows Creek; Berry Creek; Birch Hill; Birch Hill Sequence; Bismuth; Bonanza Creek; Boulder Creek; Browns Hill; Buster Creek; Cache Creek; Calder Creek; Captain Creek; Caribou Creek; Caribou Lake; Chatanika; Chatanika River; Chatanika Terrane; Chatham Creek; Chena Ridge; Chena River; Clark Creek; Clear Creek; Cleary Creek; Cleary Hill Mine; Cleary Summit; Coffee Dome; College; Colluvial Deposits; Columbia Creek; Conner Creek; Construction Materials; Cora Creek; Crane Creek; Cretaceous; Cripple Creek; Crooked Creek; Dark Hollow; Dawson Creek; Deadwood Creek; Deep Creek; Derivative; Devonian; Dexter Creek; Discontented Pup; Dome Creek; Dora Creek; Eagle Creek; Economic Geology; Elliott Creek; Emma Creek; Engineer Creek; Eolian; Ester; Ester Creek; Ester Dome; Eureka Creek; Eva Creek; Evening Star Creek; Fairbanks; Fairbanks Creek; Fairbanks Mining District; Fairbanks Schist; First Chance Creek; First Pup; Fish Creek; Flat Creek; Flume Creek; Fortune Creek; Fourth Of July Hill; Fox; Fox Creek; Frenchman Creek; GeMS DB L3 Compliant; GeMS DB v1pt1; Generalized; Geochemistry; Geochronology; Geologic Hazards; Geologic Map; Geology; geoscientificInformation; Gilmore Creek; Gilmore Dome; Ginger Creek; Glacial Geology; Glacier Creek; Glenn Creek; Gold; Gold Hill; Gold Mine; Gold Run; Goldstream Creek; Goldstream Lakes; Goose Creek; Granite Creek; Happy Creek; Hattie Creek; Heim Creek; Hi-Yu Mine; Hill Creek; Hopper Creek; Independence Creek; Iowa Creek; Isabella Creek; Jessila Creek; Johnson Creek; Juniper Creek; Jussila Creek; Keystone Creek; Kokomo Creek; Lake Killarney; Lake Paul; Lakloey Hill; Land Subsidence; Last Chance Creek; Lincoln Creek; Liwa Lake; Louis Creek; Lulu Creek; Marble; McCarty Mine; McCloud Creek; Melba Creek; Metamorphic Deposit; Metamorphic Grade; Miller Creek; Mississippian; Monopoly Creek; Monte Cristo Creek; Monterey Lake; Monti Cristo Creek; Moose Creek; Mount Lulu Fairbanks; Murphy Creek; Murphy Dome; Murray Creek; Musk Ox Sequence; Newsboy Mine; Non-Metals; Noyes Slough; Nugget Creek; Ohio Creek; Orthogneiss; Our Creek; Pat Creek; Pb/Pb; Pearl Creek; Peat; Pedro Creek; Pedro Dome; Permafrost; Permafrost and Periglacial; Petrography; Pilot Creek; Pingos; Plutonic Hosted; Plutonic Rocks; Poker Flat; Polymetallic Vein; Porphyry; Production Data; Proterozoic; Quaternary; Ready Bullion Creek; Regional Metamorphism; Reindeer Lake; Rex Creek; Rose Creek; Rosie Creek; Rost Creek; Ruby Creek; Rusty Gold Creek; Sage Hill; Saint Patrick Creek; Sample Location; Sand and Gravel; Sargent Creek; Schist; Seattle Creek; Sheep Creek; Shovel Creek; Silver; Silver Creek; Sixteen-To-One Creek; Skarn; Skoogy Creek; Slippery Creek; Smallwood Creek; Smith Lake; Solo Creek; Sorrels Creek; Spier Creek; Spinach Creek; Spruce Creek; Star Lake; STATEMAP Project; Steamboat Creek; Steele Creek; Straight Creek; Structure; Surficial; Tamarack Creek; Tanana River; Tectonics; Tecumseh Creek; Tertiary; Tom Creek; Too Much Gold Creek; Treasure Creek; Tungsten; Tungsten Hill; Twin Buttes; Twin Creek; U-Pb; Vadine Creek; Vault Creek; Vein Deposit; Victoria Creek; Volcanic Rocks; Walnut Creek; Wigwam Creek; Wildcat Creek; Willow Creek; Windy Creek; Wolf Creek; Yellow Pup Creek