Bundtzen, T.K., Reger, R.D., Laird, G.M., Pinney, D.S., Clautice, K.H., Liss, S.A., and Cruse, G.R., 1994, Progress report on the geology and mineral resources of the Nome mining district, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 94-39, 21 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/1665
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Actinolite; Alluvial; Alluvium; Amphibolite; Anvil Mountain; Army Peak; Aurora Mountain; Banner Peak; Barite; Bedrock; Bedrock Geology; Belmont Point; Bonanza Hill; Cape Nome; Casadepaga Schist; Chemistry; CIPW Norms; City Of Nome; Coastal; Colluvium; Cone Mountain; Conglomerate; Copper; Crater Mountain; Cripple River; Dexter Peak; DGGS; Diopside; Dolomite; Economic Geology; Engstrom Mountain; Environment; Eolian; Epidote; Feldspar; Felsic; Flambeau River; Floodplain; Fluvial; Garnet; Gelifluction; GeMS DB L3 Compliant; GeMS DB v1pt1; Geochemical Surveys; Geochemistry; Geology; Geomorphology; geoscientificInformation; Glacial; Glaciation; Gneiss; Goethite; Gold; Granite; Granodiorite; Graphite; Gravel; Holocene; Hornblende; Igneous; Iron; Jurassic; King Mountain; Lacustrine; Landslide; Major Oxides; Marble; Mesozoic; Metabasite; Metamorphic; Metamorphic Minerals; Metamorphic Rocks; Metamorphism; Mica; Mineral Exploration; Mineral Resources; Minerals; Mining; Moonlight Springs; Moraines; Mount Brynteson; Mount Distin; Muscovite; Native Hill; Newton Peak; Nome; Nome River; Nome River Glaciation; Orthogneiss; Osborn Dome; Outwash; Paleozoic; Paludal; Paradise Camp; Peat; Penny River; Perkinsville; Permafrost and Periglacial; Petrography; Petrology; Placer; Plagioclase; Pleistocene; Precambrian; Provenance; Ptarmigan Rock; Pyrite; Quartz; Quartzite; Rocks; Salmon Lake; Salmon Lake Glaciation; Sand; Sandstone; Schist; Sediment Hosted; Sedimentary; Sericite; Silt; Silver; Sinuk; Sinuk Glaciation; Sinuk River; Snake River; Solomon; Solomon Schist; Stewart River; Stewart River Glaciation; Sunset Mine; Surface; Surficial; Surficial Geology; Tailings; Talus; Terrace; Till; Tourmaline; Trace Metals; Tremolite; Twin Lakes; Twin Mountain; Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide; Zircon