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State of Alaska Alaska / Natural Resources DNR / Geological & Geophysical Surveys DGGS / Mineral ResourcesMinerals / RichardsonRichardson

Richardson Project

Richardson index map

Project Overview

DGGS is conducting a mapping and mineral assessment project in the Richardson Mining District, located about 60 miles southeast of Fairbanks. The project area has a high potential for the discovery of gold. It includes the Montecristo, Uncle Sam, Richardson, and Hilltop properties, and lies about 30 miles west of the Pogo gold mine.

The goal of our work in the Richardson Mining District is to build an improved understanding of the area's geology and gold mineralization. The resulting data and reports from this project will benefit gold exploration, government assessments of mineral potential, and the broader scientific understanding of the geology of interior Alaska.

This project is funded by the Alaska Legislature as part of the DGGS's Airborne Geophysical/Geological Mineral Inventory program.

Project Status

Richardson field work

The DGGS Mineral Resources team completed two seasons of fieldwork in 2017 and 2018. An overview of our work, including a draft geologic map, was presented at the Alaska Miners Association convention in November 2017. Geochemical assay reports were also published in 2017 and 2018. We plan to return to this area during subsequent field season(s) and intend to publish a single geologic map and report.

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