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Alaska Geospatial Office Staff

The Alaska Geospatial Office (AGO) provides strategic oversight of the state's geospatial technology portfolio. AGO works to advance the use of geospatial technologies as a tool for better decision-making in Alaska. We accomplish this by coordinating statewide geospatial initiatives through the Alaska Geospatial Council and managing the State Geoportal for public access to the data, resulting in cost-effective ways to create, access, and apply geospatial data and technology. Our goal is to ensure that current, reliable, high-quality geospatial data are available and are easily accessible to decision-makers.

image of Jones, Lesile A.

Jones, Lesile

Geospatial Information Officer, (907) 269-5710

Dr. Jones provides statewide coordination for geospatial data, initiatives, and policies. She serves the principal role in advancing geospatial goals of the State of Alaska and voice of the Alaska Geospatial Council. Leslie has 20 years of experience as a geospatial statistician in applied research science and advocates for open data, reproducible science, and use of GIS as a platform for data-driven decisions. In her position as GIO she promotes the value of modernizing technologies to foster data sharing and integration to enable more effective coordination across the State of Alaska.

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