Moderately dipping strata (layers of rock) in the uppermost part of the Nanushuk Formation at Ninuluk Bluff, along the Colville River. Photo credit: David LePain, DGGS.
DOG manages state lands for oil and gas development and is responsible for conducting area wide lease sales on the North Slope and in Cook Inlet basin. The division also manages the Exploration Licensing program. DOG receives, administers, and prepares tax credit data for release according to applicable statutes and regulations.
Available tax credit data are distributed by the Alaska Geologic Materials Center (GMC). Please see the data request form for more information on ordering tax credit seismic and well data.
AOGCC oversees oil and gas drilling, development, and production activities on all lands subject to state control. Digital well logs and well history files for wells drilled on state lands are available from AOGCC.
Faulted fold in the Triassic Kamishak Formation near Contact Point, lower Cook Inlet. Photo credit: Trystan M. Herriott, DGGS.
The USGS Energy Resources Program provides impartial scientific information on geologically based energy resources including oil, natural gas, coal, coalbed methane, gas hydrates, geothermal resources, uranium, oil shale, and heavy oil. The USGS has several projects currently underway in Alaska. The USGS has conducted assessments of the undiscovered, but technically recoverable petroleum resources in selected areas in Alaska, including the North Slope (NPRA, ANWR-1002 Area, State lands), Cook Inlet, Yukon Flats, and Susitna basins. Recent assessments include:
The BLM is responsible for managing federal land, including the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPRA)
BOEM manages the outer continental shelf (OCS) bordering the United States. They are responsible for conducting oil and gas leasing programs. BOEM has conducted assessments of the undiscovered but technically recoverable resources in the Alaska OCS.